How did Wizards use the toilet before toilets?
In the Harry Potter world, Rowling explained that wizards just disappeared the evidence before toilets were developed after relieving themselves anywhere they were. This begs some questions even if it sounds amazing. First of all, especially in a packed institution like Hogwarts, this approach of disposal seems unhygienic and unworkable. Second, it's difficult to picture how first-year students—not familiar with magic—would have managed their physical demands. Furthermore, the lack of appropriate sanitary facilities begs questions regarding the possible illness risk and hygienic problems in the wizarding society. Finally, it is unclear what happened to the garbage should the magic be done incorrectly. Although this disclosure of wizarding bathroom habits sounds humorous, it is really somewhat unsettling and begs important issues regarding the practicality and reason of the wizarding world.
Why Does Lack of Toilets at Hogwarts Not Make Sense?
It seems unreasonable that a thousand-year-old fortress like Hogwarts lacks indoor plumbing for generations. Given that magic was applied in daily life, it is odd that they neglected to employ their magical powers to design a more hygienic waste disposal mechanism. Although Rowling's justification for the lack of restrooms appears like a charming peculiarity of the wizarding world, it ultimately generates more issues than it fixes. For staff and students, for example, it ignores hygienic issues because Hogwarts is a boarding institution housing hundreds of kids. Furthermore, the absence of indoor plumbing begs issues regarding the knowledge of basic sanitation and hygiene in the wizarding world, particularly given their ability to absorb other mundane technologies as telephones and electricity. It begs the issue of what other fundamental technology they omitted. All things considered, the absence of restrooms at Hogwarts seems like a lazy and nonsensical addition to the canon that doesn't make sense in the big picture.
How Does Rowling's Revelation Change Harry Potter's World?
Rowling's disclosure on the dependence of magic on the wizarding world on handling their physical necessities begs issues regarding the practicality and reason of the magical world. Although the show centers on magic, the lack of basic sanitation facilities begs questions about the hygienic knowledge of the wizarding world. It also produces a conflict between the muggle and magical worlds whereby hygiene and sanitation are taken for granted. Furthermore, given Hogwarts is a boarding school and many wizards dwell in close quarters, this disclosure begs questions regarding the possible health hazards connected with the absence of appropriate sanitation facilities. Though Rowling's disclosure gives the world a funny twist, it finally calls into doubt the legitimacy of the magical world and begs major concerns about its feasibility.
How might more retroactive additions change Harry Potter Canon?
Though Rowling's disclosure on the restroom practices of the wizarding world may be the most stunning, there are numerous other retroactive changes to the Harry Potter canon that have caused controversy among readers. While some supporters have embraced the story's development and the disclosure of fresh backstories, others have attacked such additions as pointless and even detrimental to the original work. The discovery that Nagini, Voldemort's pet snake, was once a human lady, for instance, elicited conflicting responses; some found it fascinating while others felt it was needless and out of place in the narrative. Likewise, a contentious addition was the love bond between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, which surfaced in the "Fantastic Beast" movies. While some thought it forced and pointless, others felt it complicated Dumbledore's character. These are only a handful of the several retroactive additions to the Harry Potter canon that have drawn criticism. Each unique reader will ultimately determine if they value these additions and whether they either strengthen or weaken the original narrative.
Why Do Retroactive Additions by Rowling to Harry Potter Matter?
Rowling's retroactive additions to the Harry Potter canon beg serious issues regarding the nature of canon and the author's responsibility in forming the narrative. Although Rowling is free to add fresh details to her world, it's crucial to examine how such additions affect the original narrative and general world-building. Fans may get confused and disappointed when Rowling divulges fresh material contradicting or adding elements inconsistent with the original tale. It can also cause the narrative to contradict itself and erode the magical world's credibility. Although Rowling's universe is made-up, her retroactive additions beg problems regarding the authority of canon and the connection between writers and their fans. In the end, one should take into account how these additions influence the general integrity and coherence of the narrative and environment.