Movies News Talk

The Truth About Snoke: Deformed Clone and Palpatine's Mastermind

Supreme Leader Snoke, from the Star Wars sequel trilogy, was an iconic villain and a powerful figure in the Star Wars universe who had mysterious origins, giving fans lots to theorize about, as they watched the film for the first time in 2015.

Snoke's Deformities

It was interesting as fans watched "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." The deformities that Snoke has seemed so bizarre but that's not really just how he was made. Snoke's body is just like an imitation of a bigger, more powerful being in Star Wars.

An Evil Clone

Supreme Leader Snoke looking sinister in Star Wars: The Last Jedi over an edited background Image

It's the long history of Emperor Palpatine. The "Return of the Jedi," may have seen the Emperor, fall but this was far from his last act! The Emperor created multiple clones! He created clones so that he would be able to possess their body in case his own failed.

  • Snoke was really one of many attempts! Even though his form looked strange and was full of flaws! He still served an important purpose and was the big villain of this movie.
  • Snoke was so powerful in the Force that even the original Emperor, thought he would not be able to handle it.
  • It turned out Palpatine was the mastermind as he planned on using Snoke, to rule over a powerful empire known as the First Order!
  • The movie, gave the world The Knights of Ren!

Snoke's Deformed Form And The Process:

Palpatine in the center with Hemlock on the left and Brendol Hux on the right. Image

If there is one element in Star Wars that you want to talk about? It’s the force! The special power in Star Wars, Snoke had this power, but his creation didn't work perfectly!

  • When scientists in Star Wars tried to replicate the force to make someone more powerful? It wasn't easy.
  • "Midi-chlorians, the unique microscopic creatures that can empower the force were also included. However, the cloning of those who have those powerful "midichlorians" are not very smooth.
  • There were attempts, like Snoke, and what was interesting is his deformed form comes from these failed attempts, which make them more horrifying.

Luke and Snoke’s Intense Fight

Star Wars the Force Awakens Poster Image

It appears that there was a memorable battle in Star Wars history, one that everyone may not know! We are shown an enormous scar. The "scar" that is on Snoke's face! The scar looks exactly like a cut that is caused by a lightsaber and a lot of people who follow this storyline were pointing to Luke Skywalker as a potential culprit! There were clues about this interaction but it took Andy Serkis, the star behind the amazing Snoke to give the biggest insight that it truly did come from an attack. What was most notable is the pain that "Snoke endured, was from injuries sustained long ago and Snoke didn't give details as to how or why!

The details of the encounter remain mysterious, though it does have an intriguing background in Star Wars that gives more clues. There are some stories. That may have helped shape how Snoke hated Luke Skywalker. The stories seem to say that Snoke, before his disfigurement, tried to lure young Ben Solo to the Dark Side! When this didn't work, Luke Skywalker went on his own quest and was seeking to save Ben Solo and defeat Snoke from turning Ben into someone he really was never destined to be.

Other Snokes, and A Perfect Clone?

Disney Plus Image

It's amazing that even in Star Wars there are so many instances where the best science in this world can be overcome.

There were a series of experiments for Emperor Palpatine! While Snoke was an earlier model, and fans of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker were introduced to even more, even more perfect copies, meaning Snoke had been around long before the films took place! What might make the most sense is that if the scientists who made Palpatine these incredible clones were still alive they could make something with almost flawless results.

However, when there is something more mysterious like "The Force" and midichlorians? It may cause this technology to be really hard to control.

You can clearly see from all the characters that Palpatine tried to clone as most, were disfigured and the real human form that we got to see was actually a failed clone.

Fans were so excited when "The Bad Batch," brought Palpatine and his plans into their series, and it looks like there will be plenty to enjoy from this clone.

Even as "Star Wars" has unveiled new mysteries and a ton of amazing details from the vast lore surrounding these amazing films, one thing is certain.

You can be sure that while the Empire is down, and the world might have seen Snoke fall, there is still something about those that crave a great deal of power.

For those that crave an evil force and more powerful technology, their attempts, will be a continued threat for this world!

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