Movies News Talk

The Platform 2 Review: Zamiatin's Obsession and the Crumbling Truth

The Spanish dystopian thriller The Platform had a sequel released recently. It seems like a whole new world of terror. The sequel is called The Platform 2 and viewers will meet some new characters that add new depth, new terror, and some interesting stories.

Zamiatin and the Imaginary Number

One character, Zamiatin, played by Hovik Keuchkerian, is at the center of this sequel and is known for obsessing about the mathematical imaginary number, represented as ‘i’, which equals the square root of -1.

The imaginary number in mathematics allows a greater understanding and creation of more complex mathematical numbers. In fact, in the movie, we see Zamiatin tell others that this number, ‘i’ really changed the fabric of reality. As he goes on, he tells others that it’s imaginary in nature, so he ended up giving up his work as a math professor, and even ended up running away from his family to cope with it all. This all made Zamiatin a rather difficult character for audiences to feel any sort of connection towards as we see what takes place throughout The Platform 2

Also Read: The Platform 2: Netflix's Dystopian Thriller Gets a Twisted Prequel

Unraveling Zamiatin's Lies

Zamiatin (Hovik Keuchkerian) cleaning food remnants from between his teeth in The Platform 2 Image

What made him so hard to grasp? This is where things get interesting for fans of The Platform. Zamiatin did not reveal his true backstory!

While Zamiatin seemed like a relatable and sad person who fell victim to his obsessions, a rather different story emerges at the end! This changed the way audiences understand and approach the film's mysteries. He did not have this powerful mathematical career that the character had suggested and never actually left his family. They kicked him out!

His whole world of lies only came crumbling at the end. In a moment of pure vulnerability. Zamiatin is left in despair with the horror around him as the movie continues. Then takes a dramatic action by setting himself on fire! In fact, he took it upon himself to show the audience what it looks like to finally come to terms with truthfulness! To give a statement to others who don't know about The Platform universe, the reality of the system in which people fall into despair really does highlight that those lies were far more damaging and far more significant than being truly truthful with who they are!

Also Read: The Platform 2: Unraveling the Mysteries of Children, Escape, and the Vertical Self-Management Center

The Cast of The Platform 2

Iván Massagué as Goreng from the original with Hovik Keuchkerian's Zamiatin from The Platform 2 Image

In case you aren’t sure! The Platform 2 includes many interesting actors and actresses to bring the Spanish-language film to the next level.

  • Milena Smit plays Perempuan
  • Natalia Tena is Perempuan’s Second Roommate
  • Óscar Jaenada takes on Dagin Babi.
  • Ivan Massagué stars as Goreng
  • Antonia San Juan is Imoguiri
  • Zorion Eguileor as Tiramigasi
  • Tadashi Ito as Bárbaro 21

With a powerful and captivating cast and story! The Platform 2 brings an epic film that viewers might want to have a watch, and you may have already made up your minds on these fascinating, truly terrifying films but the true depths that this new iteration makes clear.

If you are already a fan, get ready! For viewers that aren't into the series, make sure you catch these upcoming, gripping films, this new Spanish dystopian thriller may show some new elements and interesting characters. For anyone wanting to catch the sequel and discover some amazing insights from the original film, the story unfolds with unexpected twist, giving you chills while reminding you about the power that can exist, when you are faced with the need to explore the truths and falsehoods about the world! What makes this especially chilling, is the powerful performances. Each one manages to show viewers that there can be some deep and powerful emotions when you really unpack this amazing thriller! What might have been unexpected is that these big names help make The Platform 2 a film you won't forget.

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