What Makes The Cullen Family Unique in the Twilight Universe?

The Cullen Family, also known as the Olympic Coven, is a fascinating and popular aspect of the Twilight Universe - those who have watched and enjoyed those movies or those who have devoured the books know the Cullen family is unique as they have been presented in a manner that differs greatly from many of those stereotypical vampires from mythology and folklore - as Stephenie Meyer, the creator of the Twilight Saga has expanded this world and its creatures into a fresh new direction.

The most notable detail is their Vampire Age: each of those who make up the Cullen Family has aged through the years (an average of 160-163 years, making this one of the longest, oldest families), they’ve also been presented as those that follow an entirely different diet: one that is vegetarian as they have chosen not to feed on humans - instead focusing on animal blood to avoid that dark impulse that often dominates the Twilight Vampires, one that could be destructive, however, their powers remain just as powerful, such as those associated with Vampire Strength and Vampire Speed.

How Did the Cullen Family Become Vampires?

Each of the Cullen Family members has a distinctive backstory and this plays a significant role in understanding why each individual member of this Cullen Coven, has taken on the mantle as a vampire.

Those who have been drawn into the Twilight Saga and the Twilight Book will remember the origin story behind Dr. Carlisle Cullen, the father figure who served as the first of the Cullen Family to transform, which later served as the inspiration behind his family members who he adopted and protected, making it his main priority. Each of those Twilight characters has had an intense and harrowing past, forcing those members to rely on each other as their protective haven.

What Are The Ages of The Cullens In The Twilight Saga?

Those who enjoy the Twilight Saga, know the Cullen Family plays a key part in how those stories unfold, but there are always lingering questions regarding their age. The most iconic of these vampire families, they often appear to be teenagers and young adults as their looks stay the same, thanks to being vampires, even with their true Vampire Age far surpassing any mortal.

As those who follow this Twilight series will see, Edward Cullen was born in 1901 and turned in 1918 - which makes him around 104 years old in Twilight. Carlisle - who is often viewed as the father figure - was born in 1640 and turned in 1663 making him almost 400 years old.

What is Renesmee's Backstory?

Renesmee Cullen is the half-human and half-vampire offspring of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Her appearance was quite significant as it showed how a Human Vampire Hybrid could be possible - something that defied the traditions of those Twilight Vampires (as well as traditional lore for these creatures). It made a major impact as this new type of vampire brought attention from The Volturi, one of the most powerful covens in the Twilight universe - a threat to this family's safety.

Renesemee also stands out for her unique set of Vampire Abilities. While it appears that most vampires receive a power, and one that would appear to be based on Vampire Transition or their transformation (such as Bella who received her ability to shield, as her power manifested to keep her from being hurt or from causing harm as her mental powers became a way for her to protect her loved ones), however, she is seen to have a gift - one that allows her to see those thoughts of others - an ability that was crucial for her family.

How Does the Cullen Family Relate to The Twilight Books and Movies?

While the Twilight Universe is driven by a series of books by Stephenie Meyer and its adaptation to film - those fans can appreciate just how key these books have been to developing this saga and creating a world of Twilight characters, it's important to understand how they also relate to how these storylines are presented.

In many instances it’s the source of inspiration to what has been depicted on screen. In both the Twilight book and Twilight Movie the central storyline revolves around Bella Swan’s love for Edward Cullen and the many trials they must endure - along with their desire to have a life together.

Are There Other Vampire Coven Groups in The Twilight Universe?

In addition to the Cullen Family (known as the Olympic Coven) there's a second and powerful coven known as the Volturi: This coven plays an essential role within Twilight Universe as they often seek to protect those traditions of vampire life.

Twilight depicts an intriguing, diverse set of characters and covens. There are even several vampire characters, for instance, a notable example - is Laurent, a Twilight Vampire , who serves as a tracker, one of the most influential within his cove, however, he’s later murdered, proving that even those most trusted may have their lives tragically cut short - particularly within a world filled with danger. This makes this universe - one that focuses on an interesting, and often chaotic story line that's worth discovering for those who are eager to explore a dark but very engaging, imaginative storyline.

What Makes Edward Cullen So Popular?

While the Cullen Family, along with Twilight's entire cast has a strong place within the hearts and minds of fans. There is one key character: Edward Cullen. As the protagonist of the story (he serves as the key driving force), it's easy to see how he's become one of the most popular characters. In fact, there have been countless fans and critics who've discussed the complexity of Edward Cullen, particularly his ability to connect to his romantic interests (namely Bella Swan) and to those he considers family (often acting as a protective guardian). He takes on an unconventional role within the vampire world as he avoids his vampire urges and attempts to find some peace.

He often takes on that role as the anti-hero: as the audience often comes to understand his deep devotion and his desires for a "normal" life despite living in a world that has very little similarity to the world we know.

Why is the Twilight Series So Controversial?

Stephenie Meyer’s saga has had a great impact across popular culture. While the Twilight Series , including Twilight Movies, is known for its popularity - some critics and fans have discussed those aspects that make the series so polarizing, creating some debate and often fueling passionate discussion over how this universe, and the Twilight Vampire characters, should be perceived and understood.

It has to do with how Twilight often pushes those norms - making it difficult to place into specific genres: This leads to the series sometimes being placed into young adult fiction (even those genres) are considered problematic by many, in a manner that is difficult to ignore. It's often linked to some questionable relationships that can be considered taboo. One key example being the Forbidden Relationship between Edward Cullen , a vampire and Bella Swan - which continues to bring about several challenges and discussions amongst fans and viewers.