Stop-motion animation is a beloved art form, a process that really takes viewers back in time and it was pretty much forgotten until recently, a really special, beautiful, and very labor intensive way of bringing films to life!
It was truly exciting for a while as people looked at Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, but in recent years there hasn't been much fanfare!
That makes a lot of fans nervous.
When del Toro, who has an impressive resume full of remarkable, iconic films was working on Pinocchio. A lot of us were holding our breath as well!
When the release happened we saw what it really meant.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio hit so many great marks, and became a super important release, it quickly was a critical success and earned all kinds of great praise and even managed to be something that fans loved, really getting those great ratings!
The hope was for a Pinocchio to jump start the industry. The great thing was there was even a chance. Stop motion really needed to get back on track with all its magical qualities.
While Pinocchio might have brought us hope. It didn't turn out to be a true savior for this amazing form. There was another huge hit that came out called "Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget." In 2023, this one made a big splash! There have been some fantastic animated movies, like "Memoir of a Snail."
There were really great attempts, and yet it is still very hard to see all that. Sadly, for the world, this might be the fate of stop-motion!
Even Disney, which was known for these incredible films, doesn't seem to have had these creations, in recent years!
It isn't about giving up though, many creatives have put their careers in stop motion, so they really hope this can come back as a genre that continues to impress fans!
A group of people, talented artists from "Pinocchio" went to a very unique celebration called SCAD AnimationFest 2024, at Savannah College of Art and Design.
The people that came from the making of the movie. It was an opportunity for the world of animation to get together. And while many artists showed their skills! And even created an inspiring environment. Some animators who brought these iconic creations to life really gave some perspective on the difficult realities!
These were tough words.
It makes it apparent just what stop-motion animators face!
While things seem rough at this moment! Many artists continue to put their blood, sweat, and tears into stop motion.
If anyone can bring it back to life. There are some exciting things in motion.
It is possible that this just might make a big statement as the future of animation is truly about making stop motion into something new. "Swaybox" uses CGI with stop motion animation which could be super interesting for audiences.
What’s important to remember is the creative talent. There’s always more for fans to appreciate! DC Studios really is bringing this genre to new heights. It was truly heartbreaking to watch the stop motion animation industry hit a slump.
However, we all want to hope. The combination of both CGI, a special type of animation! as well as a "Batman" franchise might just mean it can do what we thought Pinocchio did, saving the genre, or, it may become a great success. What really would give a sense of satisfaction is for audiences to recognize that stop-motion can be done affordably. And make big profits. That's why this next movie from "Swaybox" really is a super special event! To those of us who hope to see a world of more animation. The time is now to watch out and be prepared to see if DC studio really is going to revolutionize animation. We're certainly watching with bated breath!