Jake Gyllenhaal Time Travel Movie With 92% On RT
Time travel has become a staple theme in many movies and often results in incredibly captivating Sci-Fi Movies! Discover what some of the best-known and beloved Time Travel Movies from the 2010s.
What Is The Story Behind Source Code Movie?
Source Code, released in 2011 and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, follows a soldier who gets a crash-course in Time Travel as he finds himself on a train! This exciting Time Travel Plot throws Jake Gyllenhaal into a reality he has to work out.
How Does Source Code Relate to Other Time Travel Movies?
It is highly possible that you've come across the very popular Time Travel film "Edge of Tomorrow"! Edge of Tomorrow is often cited as one of the best and it stars Tom Cruise. But what's even more surprising is how similar Edge of Tomorrow Movie is to Source Code Movie, with many similar themes about being trapped in a Time Travel loop. These Best Time Travel Movies all tackle unique scenarios and even the presence of aliens and other aspects!
What Are the Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Source Code and Edge of Tomorrow?
Fans can discover the best, and often the most talked about, movie releases with the Rotten Tomatoes Scores! These sites will also showcase what critics are saying. When it comes to time travel films, Rotten Tomatoes suggests that Source Code and Edge of Tomorrow are both incredible! It appears they even score a solid 90%+!
Why Is Source Code Such a Big Deal?
Even if both of these movies are outstanding examples of the genre, the release of Source Code, in 2011, precedes Edge of Tomorrow by three years. With a compelling story, a thrilling plot twist, and psychological thriller moments, it's clear why this movie remains a fan favorite.
How Does Source Code Differ from Edge of Tomorrow?
While the premise for each movie is somewhat similar, there is a lot to appreciate about Source Code and Edge of Tomorrow, when looking at what each film delivers! Both are top-tier releases with engaging storylines. The two movies stand out based on tone. Source Code, as a more Psychological Thriller, gives us the Best Sci-Fi Thriller moments, which can be gripping and thrilling, Edge of Tomorrow is a huge Sci-Fi Spectacle and even contains some action moments! It's easy to see why Sci-Fi Movies 2010s saw this incredible era of new and exciting films.
What Movies are Similar to Source Code and Edge of Tomorrow?
These films really set the stage for Time Travel Movies! If you're in search of more Underrated Movies, similar to Source Code, make sure to keep an eye out! You could look at a film with Movies With Time Loops or maybe look at a more specific plot and search for Time Travel Themes. There's a great range of Similar Movies!