Why is the water plot hole in Signs so debatable?

Signs's water twist is debatable since it doesn't make logical. The aliens are supposed to be from a planet largely composed of water, hence if water is so harmful to them, how did they get here? Furthermore, should water be poisonous to them, how could they have survived in their spaceships without experiencing some damage?

Although it's still somewhat a long distance, the hypothesis that the water was tainted with pesticides makes more sense. The aliens are meant to be advanced entities, thus it is difficult to understand that anything as basic as pesticides could cause such quick death.

They seemed to have not considered the outcomes of their scheme!

What then was the actual weakness if water wasn't it?

According to a hypothesis, the aliens in Signs were really demons and their weakness was holy rather than water. The argument is predicated on the fact that Graham loses his faith and the aliens show up among Signs, laden with religious symbolism. Furthermore regarded as hallowed ground is the alien's captivity in the pantry of a former priest's dwelling.

Though it's very wild, this notion is not utterly out of the reach of possibilities. Signs is a film about religion, hence it's not strange that the aliens would have a relationship to the supernatural.

Does Signs have excessive coincidences?

Indeed, Signs has a lot of synchonies. Bo's strange habit with water is never clarified, yet it turns out to be the secret of extraterrestrial destruction. Morgan has asthma, hence his lack of effect from the alien's poisonous gas results from an asthma attack. The last words Graham's wife said to Merrill ("Swing away"), his bat on the wall, and Merrill's unsuccessful baseball career all have bearing on the last fight.

While some would find these coincidences to be really handy, others would consider them as proof that nothing in Signs is a coincidence. Perhaps it's all a part of a more general scheme we are unaware of.

Is Signs a good movie?

You know, even with all the gaps and wild turns in Signs, this is a fantastic film. The family relationships are quite intriguing and the suspense is fantastic. Furthermore excellent is the acting; M. Night Shyamalan is a master of suspense.

Watching this classic sci-fi horror movie repeatedly is really worth it. Though you might be thinking "That water thing is SO dumb," you still find yourself pulled into the narrative and simply have to know what's going to happen.