Movies News Talk

Secret Six vs. Sinister Six: Which Villain Team-Up Movie Will Win?

Team-ups are always exciting, especially when they bring together some of the most formidable villains!

DC's Secret Six

A lot of buzz is happening around a potential DCU movie featuring the Secret Six, a supervillain team with many versions in DC Comics. Some of the most popular versions included Bane and Deathstroke, two characters already in development for the new DCU.

In the comics, the Secret Six are like antiheroes—mercenaries led by Mockingbird. They take on dangerous missions, walking that fine line between good and evil. A movie would give DC a chance to show a team dynamic different from typical superhero groups like the Justice League. Unlike the straightforward bad guys in the Legion of Doom, the Secret Six are complex. Their motives range from personal gain to twisted ideas of justice.

Having Bane and Deathstroke as central figures would make this team really stand out. It could explore their personalities instead of just portraying them as one-dimensional villains. This approach fits James Gunn's style, which we’ve seen in The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy—complex characters with flaws.

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Previous Attempts at Supervillain Team-Ups

Lex Luthor seated and talking to Deathstroke in Justice League Image

The idea of a DC supervillain team-up isn’t new. Back in the DCEU, they tried to create a group to rival the Justice League. The 2017 Justice League post-credits scene showed Lex Luthor meeting Deathstroke, hinting at a "league of their own"—possibly the Legion of Doom.

Sadly, the movie didn't do great at the box office. Changes behind the scenes at Warner Bros. led to that Legion of Doom movie never happening. It was a missed opportunity for a darker, villain-focused story!

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Sony's Sinister Six

Kraven looking up in Kraven the Hunter Image

Over at Marvel, Sony has tried several times to make a Sinister Six movie. The Sinister Six are Spider-Man's worst enemies. Plans were around since The Amazing Spider-Man series. After The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hinted at them, Sony announced a movie, but it got canceled when the franchise rebooted.

Sony keeps trying with its Spider-Man Universe (SSU), releasing solo villain movies like Venom and Morbius. They might be setting up a Sinister Six movie, but the problem is Sony hasn't got a consistent vision. Without a strong Spider-Man character in the SSU, it’s hard to make a cohesive Sinister Six movie.

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Why Secret Six Is More Likely

bane fighting with batman in dc animated Image

Comparing DC and Sony, it’s more likely DC will release a Secret Six movie first. James Gunn's DCU uses less-known characters (like in The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker), and the Secret Six fit his style. He's great at bringing unexpected characters together and showing their complicated relationships.

Meanwhile, Sony's Sinister Six plans seem stuck. The SSU movies haven’t tied the villains together convincingly. And, honestly, the SSU hasn't had the best track record. Unless Sony improves the quality and consistency, a Sinister Six movie feels far off.

A Secret Six movie lets DC focus on villains without the typical hero-vs-villain story. It could highlight lesser-known characters, creating a fresh team dynamic. By combining exciting characters like Bane and Deathstroke with an emotional story, DC has a chance to succeed where Marvel's Sinister Six and DC's Legion of Doom failed.

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