Six animated shorts form Batman: Gotham Knight, an animated Japanese-American anthology film. Just two weeks before The Dark Knight opened theatres, released on July 8, 2008, it chronicles Christopher Nolan's Batman between the events of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. In it, he explores the criminal underbene of Gotham with villains like Killer Croc that would not fit Christopher Nolan's setting in live-action.
Notable Characters (excluding Batman) Batman: Gotham Knight Short Animation House, Do I have a tale for you? The Man in Black, Crossfire Studio 4°C, Crossfire, James Gordon, Crispus Allen, Sal Maroni, Production I.G, Field Test, Lucius Fox, Sal Maroni, Bee Train, In darkness Dwells, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Crispus Allen, James Gordon, Madhouse, Alfred, Studio 4°C, Deadshot, Crispus Allen, James Gordon, Alfred, Tom and Martha Wayne, Madhouse Working Through Pain
The Batman franchise by Christopher Nolan, sometimes known as the Dark Knight trilogy, contained a fourth DC film you have most likely never heard of. Nolan's Dark Knight series flips the script on the campier version of the Caped Crusader, so celebrating the most revered interpretation of the Caped Crusader in live-action. With darker themes and realism more common in comic book movies than ever before, the live-action trilogy set a new benchmark that next DC movies would follow.
Though Batman is still among the most recognizable DC figure on film, culminating in his most recent live-action trip in Matt Reeves' Batman trilogy, the animated side of his movie career is sometimes underappreciated. Apart from several animated films in which he appears as part of an ensemble, there are numbers of Caped Crusader-star productions. Although these are usually canonically unrelated to live-action films, one of these animated films is a spinoff of Nolan's Dark Knight series.
Format, Release Date, Batman Begins Live-action, June 17, 2005, Batman: Gotham Knight, August 8, 2008, animated, The Dark Knight, July 18, 2008, Live-action, The Dark Knight Rises, Live-action, July 20, 2012
Although this is a great chance to investigate Batman's narrative overall, another film doesn't typically garner the same attention as the first three.
The way Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Series retells Batman's origin tale and final retirement across three films was praised. Still, a fourth film that clarifies Bale's Batman is not worth sniffing at, particularly if it features him facing more esoteric enemies fighting toe-to---toe. In line with this, the anthology includes other characters whose developed out similarly.
Still, the film is another instance of how animated films—even in the realm of comic book movies—often go underappreciated. Although it did not have a film release, which would have lessened its importance, domestic sales (via The Numbers) brought in $8.5 million and a decent 75% on Rotten Tomatoes. For Dark Knight series aficionados, Batman: Gotham Knight is therefore well worth a viewing.
Batman: Gotham Knight and the Dark Knight movie series vary most obviously in the media used to tell the stories. Batman: Gotham Knight is not simply an animation but also stories told with unique styles produced by other studios, none of which involve Nolan. This always gives the anthology film a different feel from the original live-action Batman movie trilogy, adding a fresh interpretation on the character that is canonically the same as Bale's performance.
Returning Character, Portrayed In Live Action, Voiced in Batman: Gotham Knight, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Christian Bale, Kevin Conroy, Jim Gordon, Gary Oldman, Jim Meskimen, Sal Maroni, Eric Roberts, Rob Paulsen, Scarecrow/ Jonathan Crane, Cillian Murphy, Corey Burton, Lucius Fox, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Michael Richardson, Alfred Pennyworth, Michael Cain, David McCallum
Batman, the vigilante superhero character of wealthy Bruce Wayne, is among DC's most recognizable heroes. Bruce devoted his life to become the top martial artist, investigator, and tactician in the world after tragedy claimed his parents. Bruce battles evil as the dark knight of his homeland, Gotham City, assembling a whole family of allies and sidekicks.
Future DC Films, Date of Release, Joker: Folie à Deux October 4, 2024, Superman, July 11, 2025, June 26, 2026, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow; October 2, 2026, The Batman - Part II
Batman: Gotham Knight shows the six shorts with varying animation techniques. All apparently follow the same narrative track, however as they highlight Batman's crime-fighting career in the years between his first two film releases. Though producers stressed that the stories of Batman: Gotham Knight are not essential for viewing the Dark Knight trilogy, these animated shorts suggest that characters like Killer Croc and Deadshot are also canon in Nolan's trilogy. Later live-action debuts in the DCEU (a franchise apart from Nolan's) suggest this.
Batman: Gotham Knight also features completely different performers for every returning character. Kevin Conroy, who plays the titular hero personally, is most renowned for his work on Batman: The Animated Series in the same capacity, thus it is not surprising that he was hired for a rather comparable employment in Batman: Gotham Knight. Although their pay are not public knowledge, it is reasonable to presume that this new group of actors was far more reasonably priced for the less-known installment than the A-listers in Nolan's live-action series.