The historical drama Ridley Scott Napoleon, a film focusing on the incredible story of Napoleon Bonaparte, took viewers on a wild ride through ambition and battle. However, a Napoleon Director Cut arrived recently, which many fans say offers more detail and more historical insight than the original. Find out if it lived up to its promise.
Ridley Scott Napoleon initially left fans wanting more! Even though the original version is over two hours, viewers felt that the story could be told in greater detail. Now, the Napoleon Extended Cut has expanded the story by over an hour. Napoleon Extended Cut was an ambitious idea to tell the history of a military leader that completely changed European history and a historical epic!
In the Napoleon Extended Cut, Josephine (portrayed by Vanessa Kirby), a figure in the original story who's been criticized as a sideline player, gets much more detail and nuance. Napoleon Josephine relationship is brought more deeply into the film and more prominence, which fans say is a huge step up!
Yes! Fans can finally dive deeper into Napoleon's military career in the Napoleon Director Cut. The expanded cut introduces more information for fans interested in Napoleon history and those who want a richer take on how Napoleon changed the world! Viewers can get even more from the original release of Ridley Scott Napoleon and get some much-needed detail into major events like Napoleon Russia Campaign. Even with added details, fans can get a richer and better sense of Napoleon 4 hour cut. It was released through Apple TV+, which makes for great viewing options for fans.
While a few flaws do persist, the extended cut definitely delivers a much-improved version. The addition of details about Napoleon's battles and Josephine makes for an overall richer viewing experience, helping this new movie stand on its own. This new approach also addresses a significant problem with the theatrical cut. Even though it's three and a half hours long, it feels more manageable!
Even though it is long, this is still a slightly shorter movie than Ridley Scott had originally envisioned! During an interview, Ridley Scott films producer mentioned that a version running over four hours had been made! Fans should remain hopeful as Ridley Scott's willingness to revisit projects gives them a chance that maybe one day this cut might see a release!
If you're interested in seeing Napoleon for yourself, the Napoleon movie was released theatrically. But the Napoleon Director Cut has exclusive access on Apple TV+!