In Ridley Scott's Prometheus, the Engineers created humanity through the use of the Black Goo, however, the motivations behind their Engineers Return Earth have remained mysterious to audiences. Find out more about the true motives of these godlike creators.
The Engineers were the ultimate Prometheus Engineers who shaped life across the cosmos, including humanity! The very first moments of Prometheus Movie shows how the Black Goo Prometheus was a key component in their creation process. In Alien Franchise Timeline, the arrival of these ancient beings marked a powerful and surprising addition to Alien Movies and Ridley Scott Prometheus films.
The Prometheus Events show that there were clear signs that their return wasn't good for humanity. It has been indicated that these advanced, ancient creators planned to destroy the humans they originally created! With advanced Engineers Technology and an extensive Alien Franchise Timeline, their reasons were also connected to their concern over Engineers Role in shaping Humanity Engineers and creating what we now know as the Alien Franchise. It may be that their plan to Engineers Annihilate Humanity involved their bioweapons, such as the mysterious and incredibly powerful Black Goo.
In the film, their creation process is seen with Engineers Arrival Earth to establish humanity. Prometheus shows that there were clearly reasons behind this, but also reveals the underlying motive: to make humanity an Engineers Creation Humanity. They may have considered it their Engineers Godlike, duty to watch over humanity but later realized that humanity wasn't quite fulfilling what their original plans entailed.
Fans who have delved deeper into the franchise might be able to find answers. Prometheus Sequel and the Alien Covenant expanded on this concept. Alien Covenant reveals a lot about what the Engineers might be like. It shows how David had destroyed an Engineer civilization and also provides hints about the reasons for these devastating actions.
Alien franchise fans, have a lot to discuss! It shows that there is a level of sophistication for these aliens that is incredible. With a strong knowledge of how the Black Goo was involved in Creation Humanity, there will be more insights into what exactly happened!
If we were to find more Alien Romulus, Prometheus movies, or Alien: Romulus, we might be able to unlock a greater understanding of the events from the movie Prometheus Movie! These future films might explain why Engineers Earth had this tragic fate in store for humanity! If fans ever wanted to find the truth, keep an eye out for new Prometheus sequel. There is so much more to learn from these mysterious aliens.