Fans of the movie, Prisoners are eager to discover its secrets - but it seems as if there was another ending considered for the release. This movie, known for being one of the darkest crime dramas of all time and one which earned director, Denis Villeneuve acclaim - with some referencing his direction of "Arrival" and "Blade Runner 2049", has an ending that leaves viewers with many lingering questions. Even though those who have watched Prisoners, might believe it ended with a grim, bleak sense of despair. There was a version - one which would have changed the entire conclusion - showcasing the possibility of a different kind of hope.
Although this alternative version never made it to theaters. In this alternate ending, it was supposed to be a more "direct ending". It featured Detective Loki finding Keller Dover, the man who was responsible for taking a hostage and who had a long and arduous search to find those missing. In the official, final cut, we are left with a great deal of uncertainty and, of course, a more somber sense of realism. Audiences had to interpret whether Keller was going to survive - however, in this alternate ending we get that more optimistic sense, showing us that Keller is saved from the prison of his situation, adding to this complex, riveting film.
Those who enjoy the twists and turns of the Prisoners movie - know that the ending has received a great deal of debate amongst fans as the film often explores how human emotions can lead to both destruction, sacrifice, and the search for answers. The film explores this as it unfolds across its powerful, and sometimes disturbing scenes.
The ending is left purposefully ambiguous and this was, of course, part of the intention of director, Denis Villeneuve, who often appears to want to give audiences more to contemplate and discuss as they analyze his productions. While the ending does showcase some hope, as Loki's decision to hear that whistle in the distance appears to give viewers a sense that he is prepared to rescue Keller. But those who watch Prisoners and make those key interpretations - will understand just how this film is focused on a theme that embraces those feelings of imprisonment that often impact how we experience the world. Many have often compared this film to some of the great thrillers such as those released by Hitchcock or even more contemporary, neo-noir works. It stands out, for its complex narrative and compelling plot.
The Prisoners film , has captured audiences in a variety of ways - not only because it offers a gripping narrative - a tale that centers on the loss of two children and the desperate actions of two families - but this production stands out for its unique storytelling techniques.
The film also takes an innovative, unconventional look at those who serve as Prisoners characters. For viewers who want a glimpse into crime drama that might go beyond expectations - this film may give fans an interesting perspective into its complex characters: Hugh Jackman, as Keller Dover ( a father whose life has been changed by a terrible loss), Jake Gyllenhaal, as Detective Loki (who has been placed in a very difficult situation, seeking justice for a case where there seems to be no real, clear direction, or no hope in sight). Even the villain of the film - Holly Jones - serves as a truly disturbing force - a woman with hidden secrets that drive her to take on a dark mission. It is the intersection of all these figures that makes Prisoners so compelling and worthy of praise from critics.
Many film critics have often referred to Prisoners as one of the most gripping films of recent decades - and has left viewers in a state of shock as it features an assortment of challenging themes, specifically, as they explore the human condition: particularly how people cope with the events of loss.
Prisoners film is known to have been a source of debate, conversation, and analysis among film buffs and even film critics. As fans seek to find the answers and discover just what kind of impact it has on those who watch it. In a sense, it provides a disturbing and often depressing look at what happens as families seek answers and make those key, often haunting decisions that will reshape their lives - an experience that forces audiences to contemplate just how far people will go when their world falls apart.
The movie's conclusion does not give viewers all the answers they need to have that comfort of understanding and even certainty. This production does provide an interesting blend of a dark thriller with a more philosophical sense to its overall arc.
In the movie's final moments, those fans seeking a satisfying ending - may have a difficult time with the Prisoners ending - as it appears to take a somber approach, emphasizing a world of uncertainty and a sense that those characters within the film (like Keller Dover) may not find closure.
The Prisoners movie begins with a horrifying scene where a man is faced with the greatest pain: the loss of a loved one. It highlights a disturbing truth, especially for those who follow the characters' path to find the culprits, who had abducted their children, an incident that serves as the story's primary driver for a quest for justice.
A father - who had seen his own daughter go missing - and a police detective (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) come to find that they both must navigate the darker recesses of humanity to seek an end to these horrific crimes. As both make a difficult journey, it forces the audience to understand the world of Prisoners characters - a world that features violence and disturbing actions. There are elements that are sure to catch a viewer's attention and draw them in - specifically how the characters confront the evil and, ultimately, they have to learn to accept that there might not be any answers - or they may not find peace.
Prisoners, is not only a captivating story but it's a movie title that's also open to several interpretations.
The word "prisoner" - a common theme for Prisoners. In a way, both Keller Dover (played by Hugh Jackman) and Detective Loki (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) have to confront just how the story and its events may confine them in both an emotional and physical manner. Even though they set out to seek justice, to protect the families affected, they're also shown to be trapped by their decisions - which in many instances make them question their morals. One such example - Keller has to fight the darker side of himself, in his desire to get answers - especially with those who are most dear to him. Ultimately, this series of events makes them all victims of a system - or even more accurately, a situation.