In the world of Disney animation, few movies are as revered and cherished as Pinocchio! Released in 1940, it's one of the greatest! It's got a rare perfect rating, a 100% "Rotten Tomatoes" score. Talk about a timeless movie.
This amazing tale, the second Disney feature film, made a splash, thanks to those amazing animations. Pinocchio took the classic Italian children's story, from the 19th century and created a beloved version! Everyone's favorite, Geppetto is a toymaker who crafts a wooden puppet named Pinocchio and makes a big wish! This wooden toy, wants to be a real boy. And the Blue Fairy grants him his big wish!
The fairy comes in and gives this puppet a very serious job - to learn the meaning of "honesty, truthfulness and being brave. What makes it even cooler is she gives Pinocchio, a trusty companion, Jiminy Cricket, who is his conscious and there to help him out with moral advice.
However, even with that support Pinocchio doesn't have the right instincts and he faces real-world issues including getting caught up in some trouble. A truly powerful lesson about growing up. A heartwarming and powerful moment, making "Pinocchio" an iconic tale.
But a beloved classic was nearly changed! In the early 2000s there was a thought of a new story! What made Disney different is that the animation studio created tons of sequel movies, that were sometimes really popular! But it appears "Pinocchio never got the sequel. However, in the 2000s, the now defunct Disneytoon Studio brought out plenty of these sequels and a version called "Pinocchio II."!
What was even more incredible is they already had an initial idea!
The sequel was going to pick up right after the movie. There were a few twists as the plot was in an "experimental, and odd journey." The idea, however, fell apart and that's a great thing, as fans still remember "Pinocchio."
The truth about Pinocchio being nearly a sequel! John Lasseter stepped into Disney back in 2006. With that he took control as the director of "Walt Disney Animation Studios." That means there was going to be new leadership and, as a matter of fact, the original, classic version had to be kept!
There's a good reason why some fans think that this was truly the best outcome!
That was only one event, that would put Pinocchio at risk! There was a 2022 version released from Disney that did more harm than good.
There is another live-action remake! This time Disney got a hold of the classic Pinocchio and did a big remake using a blend of live-action and CGI. But there is always that chance for something to not go according to plan.
Some things shouldn't be touched! Fans who were eager to see a fresh take were not enthralled! Those who are familiar with this story and watched the animated version that was so special felt the new movie had so many flaws.
While those fans weren't overly thrilled, another director put a whole different kind of "Pinocchio" on the big screen and everyone took notice! You will get an exciting take if you watch Guillermo del Toro's version that was also made in 2022!
It is so unique how this filmmaker took this classic tale and really gave it a new sense of beauty and the horror elements brought an extra sense of thrill!
The result was an even better version and gave audiences a truly amazing alternative version.
And even more interesting- it gave the classic version another round of popularity!
It just goes to show! There are plenty of exciting adaptations for any kind of tale that come out!
A lesson learned by the Disney Animation Studios, not to make a change for the sake of change! Those who enjoy classic animation, know that there is just so much heart to appreciate and, at least for the moment, it's time to watch the original!