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Obi-Wan's Choice: The Star Wars Decision That Almost Doomed the Galaxy

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Decision That Could Have Doomed the Galaxy!

Obi-Wan's Almost Fatal Choice: Love vs. Destiny in Star Wars

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a total Star Wars legend, mentoring Luke Skywalker, guiding the galaxy as a Force ghost—a mainstay in movies and TV shows! But Star Wars: The Clone Wars reveals a shocking secret: a choice Obi-Wan almost made that could have totally changed everything…for the worse!

Obi-Wan's romantic history with Satine Kryze, the Duchess of Mandalore is revealed in this show; it reveals those unexpected details about his past and completely reimagines our understanding of the Jedi Master, who almost quit the Jedi Order for love. Had he left, it is important to show that this would lead to completely disastrous outcomes for the entire galaxy.  It's a crazy "what if" scenario and we explore its seismic implications across all timeframes in this important show.

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The Ripple Effect: Anakin, Palpatine, and the Fall of the Republic

Obi-Wan Kenobi holding his blue lightsaber to the left and young Anakin to the right both from The Phantom Menace Image

If Obi-Wan had left the Jedi before The Phantom Menace, things get crazy.  He would NEVER have trained Anakin Skywalker— it's pretty straightforward: Obi-Wan only becomes Anakin's Master after Qui-Gon Jinn's death because that’s what Qui-Gon wanted on his deathbed.  The Jedi Council's approval of Anakin's initiation only occurred after Obi-Wan stepped in to take the reins as Master and Teacher of Anakin.

But would the Jedi Council even consider Anakin without Obi-Wan's advocacy? We speculate on what this means;  The outcome may involve a very different future:  Anakin could face rejection or a dicey gamble;  getting some other Master entirely (someone like Mace Windu); this completely rewrites his trajectory as a character! Or far worse; the possibility that Palpatine could pounce— this becomes clear when considering the timing that made the original attempt to incorporate Anakin a difficult one in that exact moment; because Qui-Gon’s position as mentor greatly hampered his acceptability, compared to the acceptance later as a Jedi. His later acceptance becomes dependent on the very changes related to having a far less aggressive instructor, Obi-Wan.

And that worst-case scenario involving Palpatine taking Anakin under his wing earlier is utterly catastrophic, the sheer possibility of being in an even far worse position; not merely as an apprentice to a villain and to be instrumental to this overall plan to establish his entire empire.  It changes everything. Palpatine already senses Anakin's power; the situation would drastically alter things– completely destroying how Anakin ended up serving as Palpatine’s apprentice during a period spanning multiple episodes throughout that iconic prequel trilogy.

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Palpatine's Unstoppable Plan: No Obi-Wan, No Resistance

Emperor Palpatine in the Senate in Revenge of the Sith after his transformation, smiling darkly Image

With Obi-Wan gone; Palpatine would be unstoppable. A totally ruthless, cunning dictator like Palpatine, his long-term goals include dominating and controlling the entire universe— and this situation greatly simplifies these previously impossible feats: this is now completely feasible to achieve in an even more effective way! If the Jedi actually remain adamant; it leaves other situations available where Anakin is pushed away from the Jedi Order, becoming vulnerable and thus able to be immediately recruited by Palpatine; yet other scenarios leave Anakin with other opportunities entirely. Regardless, either creates significantly worse problems. These plans involve other backup schemes available; so with those critical components lacking entirely – Obi-Wan and Anakin – this creates many problems, affecting their key influence which impacts much later; not to mention there are key details: no Luke Skywalker or Leia Organa, potentially making Order 66 far worse. This severely jeopardizes the Rebel alliance’s possibility of winning their future battles which will result in huge losses, demonstrating the sheer scale of just one potential bad decision.

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Mandalore's Fate: A Royal Romance's Unexpected Consequences

If Obi-Wan leaves the Jedi for Satine, this creates other problems. This introduces more possibilities: Would Obi-Wan rule Mandalore with Satine?  Would she step down? We explore these “what if” situations! This makes another set of questions: without that battle against Darth Maul in The Phantom MenaceMaul wouldn’t want revenge, leading to additional ripple effects on Satine’s destiny.  This showcases how tightly interwoven all the plots really are!

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Conclusion: A Single Choice with Galactic Implications

Obi-Wan's choice to stay was essential.  That almost fatal near-mistake highlighted in The Clone Wars showcases how the tiniest choice dramatically reshapes events in Star Wars; It’s one that could've had utterly devastating implications, yet even through that near miss of nearly having an utterly cataclysmic failure, this particular event becomes highly memorable.

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