Renowned horror director Mike Flanagan, who is well-known for his hit Netflix films including "The Haunting of Hill House" and "Midnight Mass," lately posted his top movies of 2024 on Letterboxd. Among the movies that inspire him, this list offers perceptive peeks into each one; one particularly noteworthy movie is "Exhuma," a South Korean supernatural horror film that has rocked Asia.
Veteran actor Choi Min-sik, well-known for his performance in "Oldboy," and Kim Go-eun, known for her K-dramas, star in the intriguing psychological horror "Exhuma." The movie chronicles the terrifying story of a group of paranormal investigators hired by a wealthy family dealing with disturbing supernatural events. Their research brings them to the ancestral tomb of the family, where they find more than they could have expected.
South Korean horror: An era in the genre just waiting for us
Drawing on Korea's rich folklore and history, "Exhuma" deftly combines emotional depth with great suspense. It explores the deep-rooted tragedies and shamanistic customs of the nation, so creating a quite fascinating and mind-bending story. Declaring, "I really dug this (see what I did there)," Flanagan's brief Letterboxd analysis catches the core of what makes "Exhuma" so appealing. Recognizing the film's originality and divergence from the conventional exorcism/possession movie, he compliments its smart writing, great performances, and amazing effects.
Exhuma has had great popularity both in South Korea and throughout Asia. Rising above the successes of movies like "Train to Busan" and "Parasite," it is presently the highest-grossing Korean film of 2024 and holds the sixth highest ranking among domestic films in South Korea history. Its appeal transcends Korea; it became rather successful in Vietnam and Indonesia.
Exhuma's Success: A Combining of Modern and Classic Horror
The amazing popularity of the movie can be ascribed to its unusual mix of modern horror sensibilities with historical and traditional Korean cultural aspects. Masterful story writer Director Jang Jae-hyun strikes a mix between emotional resonance and great suspense. Kim Tae-seong's wonderfully beautiful score accentuates the film's eerie images even more. With critical praise for this amazing mix of cultural commentary and horror, "Exhuma" is both exhilarating and provocative.
Often found in Western horror films, Korean horror has built a reputation for producing excellent, atmospherically rich films that deviate from traditional horror clichés. With its mix of suspense, emotional depth, and gripping narrative, "Exhuma" captures viewers and epitomizes this trend. "Exhuma" is the ideal beginning point if you enjoy horror movies but haven't yet explored the realm of Korean horror.
Discover the Scope of Korean Horror.
"Exhuma" honors the varied and mesmerizing terrain of Korean horror. It presents a remarkable cinematic experience with its special mix of contemporary horror sensibilitiesatives and traditional Korean features. Beyond cultural borders, the film offers a very immersive and provocative story that will linger long after the credits have rolled. The popularity of "Exhuma" is evidence of the increasing acceptance of Korean horror on a global scene, so opening the path for even more spectacular future success.