Movies News Talk

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again: Cher's Role – Genius or Giant Plot Hole?

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again: Cher's Shocking Appearance – A Plot Hole or Masterstroke?

Mamma Mia! 2: Cher's Surprise Arrival – A Total Plot Twist That Makes No Sense

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018), the sequel to that hugely popular musical, featured Cher as Ruby Sheridan, Donna's mom.  And it's amazing! That performance is seriously iconic – belting out "Fernando" and "Super Trouper."  Cher only has around ten minutes of screen time, but that brief appearance was totally worth it, giving a significant addition which many people enjoyed.

However, there's a major issue here:  Ruby's presence creates massive Plot Holes when you consider what happened in the first film!   Let's explore that plot! Was it intentional? Did anyone even care?

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Ruby's Existence Contradicts the Original Mamma Mia!

Donna and Sophie hold hands in Mamma Mia 2 Image

That very first Mamma Mia! (2008) contains this pretty significant hint—maybe Ruby died years before the sequel:  Donna (crying after discovering her exes at her villa) says something cryptic; referencing "someone up there" getting her and this strongly suggests her mother’s death happened sometime before the original. Now this detail isn’t emphasized heavily and many casual viewers completely missed this tiny hint – it could've very easily been removed – it still made the storyline far more compelling after that revelation is explored by others later!  There's no explicit confirmation but those things imply Ruby’s absence entirely and that specific absence was supposed to generate those needed dramatic responses that highlight that point.  Yet those plots are not resolved in Mamma Mia! 2, which highlights how many tiny details, some very easily removed during initial creation of this second movie were later entirely dropped; suggesting a larger systemic concern around creating creative ideas.

And this seemingly throw-away comment is important, because those interactions completely alter how these characters develop. The relationship between Donna and Ruby remains extremely adversarial in Mamma Mia! with Tanya (Christine Baranski) calling Ruby "a ray of sunshine" (completely sarcastically!).  Yet, the sequel completely skips addressing this, and that lack of mention was probably unintentional; otherwise those important characters would have used some of their known personality to develop more nuanced comedic potential from their encounters in the later part of the film.

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Should Mamma Mia! 2 Have Skipped Ruby Altogether?

A composite image features Sophie holding Donna's diary and all of her dads next to her in Mamma Mia Image

Cher’s cameo is amazing, yes, a triumph. But bringing Ruby back causes more problems than it’s worth. Those inconsistencies made that narrative weaker and not entirely effective. Furthermore, adding this character completely undermines a key theme from the original. That first movie says family are chosen– not just by blood! This second movie’s decision completely ignored this theme, creating more confusion. By having Sophie accept Ruby (despite their earlier history and difficult relationships); it demonstrates this contradictory conclusion completely going against the points highlighted in the original film. Thus it makes a point entirely not part of the storyline and suggests a profound and important difference in thematic development that never really should have been made! Thus making it clear this decision to include Cher as a character entirely conflicts and goes against everything else conveyed and shown in Mamma Mia!

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Conclusion: An Iconic Cameo That Undid What Made the Original Great!


Cher in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again was incredibly memorable.  It totally made people talk about this movie and might’ve otherwise impacted how those earlier, more nuanced plot elements developed, otherwise creating an experience that entirely focused on these interpersonal dynamics, relationships and dramatic events within these established, already popular characters. Bringing back Ruby, however, introduced far more significant plot issues and narrative inconsistencies that didn't justify her brief appearance in a larger movie. It demonstrates exactly the kind of mistakes to avoid.

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