Dive into the origins of Buzz Lightyear! This spinoff movie tells the story of the iconic space ranger, the one who inspired the toy beloved in Toy Story! Get ready to watch an amazing story of an astronaut and space adventure!
In Lightyear movie, the space ranger faces a daring journey that reveals his determination to protect a group of survivors on a dangerous and faraway planet.
Lightyear focuses on the astronaut that Andy fell in love with as a child, a personification of a legend who had major influence on the space ranger toys in Toy Story. The Lightyear origin story provides a fun exploration of his past and future.
Fans can catch this great movie on the big screen. The Lightyear release date was June 17th, 2022!
You might think "Lightyear vs Toy Story," but this is actually more about how they work together as a narrative! If you're curious, be sure to dig into how the story works. There's a lot of great content that showcases Lightyear and Toy Story connection and how Lightyear movie ties into the toys' origin story!
Find tickets to Watch Lightyear. You can even catch this movie online through streaming or a Lightyear download once it is released online!
There's an amazing Lightyear cast! The stars who give voice to these incredible Lightyear characters include:
Pixar always creates some amazing movies. Fans are very familiar with Lightyear animation and what to expect from the visual aspects of the movie. You'll find an amazing level of detail, a spectacular look at a world with a wide range of characters, a creative and dynamic setting, and amazing special effects.