The Jedi were at their best during the High Republic era of Star Wars, which gave a distinctive spin to the well-known smuggler cliché. Although the Jedi remain the main focus of this age, there were many interesting characters in the galaxy, including an intriguing figure who took Han Solo's position.
Introduced in Claudia Gray's "Star Wars: The High Republic: Into the Dark," Leox Gyasi is a pilot who resembles Han Solo in a few minor ways. Both have unusual co-pilots: Chewbacca for Han and the sentient rock Geode for Leox. Neither is Force-sensitive. Both are pilots. Beyond this, they are similar in that they were both spice runners who later joined up with the Jedi. They even cast doubt on the Jedi's understanding of the Force.
Even if Leox and Han have certain characteristics in common, Leox is not like Han at all. Leox is a Star Wars take on the hippy, as opposed to the more conventional villain. Wearing a beaded necklace, he indulges in recreational spice smoking while reflecting on "the deeper spiritual dimensions of the cosmos." Leox is likewise less violent in his viewpoint than Han is. He accepts the Force, albeit from a different angle. Leox is also asexual, which is very different from Han's marriage to Leia Organa.
The thing that interests me the most about Leox is his unique perspective on the universe. He is more accepting of other people than even the Jedi in "Into the Dark." Not like the Jedi and the majority of the Republic, Leox doesn't consider spice to be just another illegal drug. Rather, he understands its possible applications that go beyond its illegality. Because Leox employs spice for its medicinal properties—something the Jedi couldn't do with the Force—his open-mindedness even ends up saving Dez Rydan's life.
Leox's distinct viewpoint goes beyond spice to other important ideas. Even though he is aware that he will never become a parent, he nevertheless views himself as the "ultimate fulfillment of my ancestral line." In addition, he offers insightful and thought-provoking remarks from his travels. Following a brief period of being revered as a deity by the populace of a primitive planet, he says, "Being worshipped is bad for the spirit. disintegrates you within." Leox is distinct from other Star Wars characters due to his lack of interest in romantic love, bloodshed, and power.
Leox's unshakable faith in kindness is the foundation of his distinct viewpoint on the cosmos. His goal is to do the cosmos more good than harm. His acts throughout his journeys clearly demonstrate this. A mob is pursuing Leox and Affie in Claudia Gray's "Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures 2021," but Leox stops them. Rather than using force, he makes an effort to right his wrongs and give back the stolen gem.
Leox's treatment of his companions, especially Affie Hollow, is perhaps the most striking example of his benevolence. Leox and Geode are the first two pilots that Affie feels comfortable working with when she joins the Byne Guild. This is a result of Leox treating her more like a coworker than a child. They continue to have this caring approach throughout their partnership. Although Leox knows that the Byne Guild uses indentured workers, he chooses to withhold this information from Affie in order to preserve her innocence.
Being a walking paradox, Leox Gyasi is one of the most intriguing personalities in the High Republic. He is similar to Han Solo in that he is a cunning smuggler, but he has a whole different side. Leox is a deep thinker, polite, and sympathetic person, but he also knows how to get quick credit by using dubious methods. Leox Gyasi and his distinctions from Han Solo in many respects exemplify a major motif of the High Republic period: there's more to him than meets the eye.