Movies News Talk

John Wayne's Greatest Introductions: 'Stagecoach' and 'Big Jake' Compared

John Wayne is a legend, no one can argue that! He had a very important impact, with over 80 Western films, and had a powerful influence over many. But did you know John Wayne may have made an even bigger splash than his introduction in "Stagecoach!"

Stagecoach: An Epic Moment:

It's so hard not to be impressed by the performance of John Wayne in "Stagecoach." One of his greatest and memorable films where we really see his talents for the first time on screen. But it turns out John Wayne had even more surprises up his sleeve!

The iconic Ringo Kid, in a powerful moment in "Stagecoach."

If you watch the series again you can recall that moment. John Wayne's character was one that audiences felt was full of action and stood out in the iconic series! In 1939, he truly established his dominance in Hollywood history. The iconic shot that gives him an epic entrance to this memorable classic Western, he steps off-screen and fires his Winchester! The shot then closes on his amazing character! The movie helped to bring a great mix of the best moments in the West and the excitement around John Wayne's amazing character!

He went on to create more than just Western series though. He established himself as a major actor who has impacted millions.

Also Read: John Wayne's Western Legacy: How Stagecoach Made Him a Star

A More Intense Introduction:

John Wayne in The Cowboys against a background of film and clapper boards Image

For anyone who didn't think that John Wayne could deliver an even more exciting entrance. The movie, "Big Jake" takes center stage and comes out as a classic from 1971, this really had something different to give audiences! It brought new elements for John Wayne that some didn't see before. You could call "Big Jake" his most violent role, but in the process it may be more special than those who loved "Stagecoach!" Fans might not like "Big Jake" as much, however! This is because it seemed that it contained violent scenes which are a far cry from those moments we enjoyed in "Stagecoach." But there was still a touch of classic John Wayne humor. You just can't go wrong with that!

What made the scene special? John Wayne's character made a bold statement. It gave him an even more intense moment! The way "Big Jake" (played by John Wayne) appeared, the entire scene created something extraordinary for the time.

  • A group was about to hang a criminal!
  • He really was not all too interested at first.

That all changed though! As we all know, he had the biggest heart, in the wild wild west. The Movie Stars his real-life son Patrick Wayne, and as the scene progresses, it turns out his grandson has been kidnapped and as a result John Wayne steps in to be the one who is able to rescue the young boy! Even more. As we get into this moment the way that the characters on the set treated his family gave this moment an extra jolt of heart!

This introduction really set the stage!

Also Read: Stagecoach: John Wayne's Rise to Western Fame

Comparing Stagecoach and Big Jake

John Wayne with a bloody bullet hole on his arm and Wayne pointing a rifle as Big Jake Image

For all the fans of Westerns who love to analyze these incredible films! There's a clear difference that separates these shows but both were very memorable for everyone who was lucky enough to experience the iconic films! You may even say there are subtle similarities in those big entrance moments that helped make John Wayne a big hit, it was a true blend of classic Western style!

Even more than just being an iconic movie star! You can see "Big Jake" gave him the opportunity to be someone who could also use the powers of humor to his advantage!

He avoided confrontation. When a bunch of people went after him, John Wayne's, character only appeared, and all that was needed to calm the crowd down, was the way he was perceived, causing these thugs to back down. They had to stop what they were doing. A sign of true grit that only John Wayne can deliver.

While those two epic Movies share many memorable scenes, and truly stand out among all the rest! In each, we see how the way the director makes a special choice by using the camera. To bring in those epic moments, where they would show us what kind of character the person would become.

  • In "Stagecoach," it’s a slow zoom in on "John Wayne" who cocks his rifle, making everyone know what his next move is.
  • And in "Big Jake," a completely reverse shot as we watch "John Wayne" as the camera zooms out showing the real sense of how determined he is.

Those moments help to create the sense of the man that "John Wayne was! And the way he showed up for his fans was special as it would often be through incredible roles. His acting talents helped shape his amazing legacy.

Also Read: John Wayne's Most Violent Western: The Shocking Truth Behind Big Jake

More Iconic Western Characters from John Wayne:

Big Jake watching his son shoot a gun in Big Jake Image

You can't overlook that John Wayne's biggest fan would probably argue, that "Stagecoach" helped launch him to a level that even surpassed his dreams. He never wanted to get rid of that moment or ignore the role that "Stagecoach" helped create in his life and this classic Western has stayed with viewers ever since!

But if we were going to give the iconic John Wayne more credit! It seems that he didn't stop there with these amazing roles.

The famous western called "The Searchers" gave us one of his most remarkable, dramatic introductions in cinema, giving us another unforgettable, memorable character. It really helps make this "The Searchers" one of his best films as it captures his incredible talent!

  • John Wayne appears! In one of the film's big highlights Ethan Edwards!
  • He emerges from the desert as Ethan Edwards returns to his family, and as this heartwarming scene occurs! It was only to bring the film to its conclusion that the audience had one more amazing, memorable moment. Ethan Edwards is turning back as the realization sets in. This character was lost in the war and can't go back to life the way it once was.

For the many who love Westerns you'll recall a scene where John Wayne has this iconic, memorable entrance that occurs once again. This happens in "Hondo." The character steps into a new chapter! This great character has been absent. As the camera follows his footsteps, we see him come face-to-face with those who need him, including a mother and son! In the same vein we have one more unforgettable Western - "Rio Bravo." What's more cool than this is, this intro has zero dialogue. We see the star Dean Martin's character who is down on his luck as a drunken deputy, looking for a drink and some friends! He's feeling discouraged and trying to get people to hand him some cash! John Wayne, as a sheriff, comes into view! He steps in! Not only giving Dean Martin the reality check! It really turns out that they are all close and brings us into the true friendship and camaraderie of those classic Western film moments!

Also Read: A Record-Breaking Cooperation: The Actor Who Made 26 Movies With John Wayne.

Big Jake Was a Perfect Introduction

John Wayne as Jacob McCandles and Maureen O'Hara as Martha McCandles in Big Jake Image

When looking back over this actor's long career in films. "Big Jake" had a huge impact as one of John Wayne's best, final movies!

If there's a way for a film to bring those powerful Western themes to life it appears "Big Jake, has it. Even though it wasn't viewed by critics as a super high art film. It brought out the best elements, giving John Wayne's, character Jacob McCandles the kind of dramatic story fans were looking for! With its mixture of action, heart and a light-hearted blend of classic, hilarious humor. You are about to discover a special type of film that can't really be replicated! Even better the fact that John Wayne, who was able to take on the director's role, to deliver some memorable, intense scenes. If you didn't like a particular take you can bet, John Wayne would be the one to direct it as he made it just right!

And you might be curious as to who else was in this unforgettable story!

It was not just John Wayne's real-life family, and son, that helped make this an incredible adventure but also some amazing names like Robert Mitchum! Robert Mitchum, even with his legendary talent as a film actor. He is even seen on-screen with his son, Christopher Mitchum in this movie!

Those family ties might give viewers a look into what made the movie special! The cast was one where those behind it loved their craft. For John Wayne this seemed like a last stand. Those films "McQ and "Brannigan, and even the Western classic "Rooster Cogburn were not the most well-received among fans.

Big Jake: A Success:

Stagecoach - Poster Image

If we are to measure by those critics, even if they had limited critiques. It is still a favorite, though for sure it did hit a tough market when it came out. You see back then, it's what moviegoers were demanding. It seems "Big Jake" did really well. Fans of the Western were still hoping to find the Movies that they had always enjoyed.

In an amazing way "Big Jake" may just be a super awesome way to give a blend of the Classic! The great part of the movie? It really is fun! It will remind those who want more of what the West used to be like! That fast paced, dramatic Western and with an ability to have witty banter is really one that fans love.

One last moment! It turns out Big Jake had one last special performance! The Western also had a dynamic that is hard to forget. One that only a team like John Wayne, and Maureen O'Hara can create. The star power they were able to bring in all of their movies!

The classic "The Quiet Man," was one that both stars took the spotlight, showing what a remarkable partnership they were.

  • They had another movie in "McLintock!.
  • John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara were in "Rio Grande".

Those special moments show the power of great acting. These performances were what helped give us more. For sure they became great friends as they often worked together.

As they took on this project in "Big Jake," the two legends continued to entertain, a final chance to really share a performance with audiences as these actors continued their legacy together. Maureen O'Hara retired right after "Big Jake", then came back for John Candy's movie "Only the Lonely." She did more work and even brought an end to her incredible career in the movie "The Last Dance.", giving her fans something to always look back on.

While the roles in "Big Jake," may have been smaller for Maureen O'Hara the magic of the movie comes from how talented she truly was. There are few that have touched audiences the way Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne had so many years ago. While some critics might see "Big Jake," as less noteworthy in comparison to other projects! The movie brings so much of that amazing, memorable talent that will leave a big mark, adding to "John Wayne's" amazing filmography. If you get a chance to watch "Big Jake" be sure to do it and see what this wonderful performance is all about!

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