Alien: Covenant is a chilling continuation of the Alien franchise directed by the renowned Ridley Scott! This movie added to the Alien franchise movies, showing how those terrifying xenomorph monsters are evolving and are becoming a more significant part of Ridley Scott movies that continue to tell their thrilling tales.
Fans who remember seeing the amazing Alien: Covenant movie may wonder if they've even seen James Franco Alien: Covenant! In fact, James Franco role was more prevalent in early script drafts. It appears that the role was meant to give us more context around the film's plot and main hero, Katherine Waterson, playing Alien: Covenant character, Daniels, a wife and mother to James Franco's character, Jacob Branson.
James Franco cut from the movie might surprise fans of Alien: Covenant cast and those interested in this sci-fi world! As it turns out, the reason is pretty straight forward, as Branson's demise was a major plot point.
Alien: Covenant actually has James Franco movie clips throughout. Branson’s video message from his personal effects, where we see him with Katherine Waterson, gives the audience a hint.
Alien: Covenant has so many layers, including extra Alien: Covenant scenes that didn't make the final cut, but many can be found online. These clips could be a good look at how much detail and storytelling was in place!
Fans of James Franco movies can likely remember seeing his great work! He actually was originally part of the story, but it got changed! The main purpose was to build up Alien: Covenant story around the film's new hero, Daniels. She ends up becoming the lead hero in this gripping story of a terrifying Alien prequel.
While the main cast is outstanding, including the standout roles of Michael Fassbender who plays the characters of David and Walter, as well as Katherine Waterson, the story changed! It also altered some of Alien: Covenant characters and even pushed the characters played by Danny McBride, Billy Crudup to the forefront, so this could make it more intense!