Jackpot! is a 2024 Action Comedy film set in a futuristic California where the lottery has taken a deadly twist. The movie follows Katie (Awkwafina), who wins the Grand Lottery, and must survive until sundown without being killed by other participants, as losing players aim to claim the jackpot by eliminating her.
The cast is led by Awkwafina and John Cena, who play the key roles in this action comedy. John Cena plays Noel, an amateur lottery protection agent whose mission is to keep Katie safe in exchange for a share of the winnings. This unexpected pairing is bound to generate plenty of laughs as they navigate this deadly competition.
The movie centers around a California-based lottery where a deadly twist is introduced in 2030: those with losing tickets have one day to kill the winner to claim their jackpot. Katie becomes the target as she attempts to survive and claim her prize with the assistance of Noel. The story combines action, comedy and suspense.
Jackpot! is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. It was released in August 2024 and is accessible to Amazon Prime subscribers, who can enjoy this Action Comedy from the comfort of their homes.
The Jackpot movie features a fun and lively soundtrack filled with classic rock, pop, and electronic music. Songs featured in the film range from iconic tracks like "California Girls" by the Beach Boys to modern hits such as "UH OH!" by Sub Urban feat. BENEE, and "Spice Up Your Life" by the Spice Girls. This musical selection contributes to the movie’s tone, enhancing its action and comedy aspects.
The Jackpot Movie has received mixed reviews from critics. Some critics have been critical of its predictability and pacing, while others have praised Awkwafina and John Cena's chemistry in some scenes. However, with a rating of 42% on Rotten Tomatoes, the film has been deemed "Rotten" by critics. It remains to be seen how the movie will be received by the broader audience, but the presence of a talented cast, the addition of a fun soundtrack, and the unique plot could make for an enjoyable movie-going experience.
John Cena is a popular actor who has a wide range of credits across the action genre, including comedy and drama. He is best known for his WWE wrestling career but has successfully established himself as a Hollywood presence.