Borderlands Movie is a highly anticipated video game adaptation of the popular game franchise!
Borderlands movie sets out to explore the colorful world of Pandora, focusing on Lilith, an intergalactic treasure hunter. She embarks on a mission to find the missing daughter of a powerful corporation executive and, while on this adventure, must make tough choices, make alliances, and face terrifying creatures. This is also the movie adaptation that has earned a poor Rotten Tomatoes score!
Get ready for an all-star Borderlands Cast. Here are some notable actors from the movie:
It's clear, the Borderlands movie didn't match the action-packed feel of the original Borderlands Game. Fans have raised some Borderlands criticism, especially when it comes to the narrative and overall plot.
This is a big question for many fans of the franchise. Although it's gotten an awful Rotten Tomatoes score, it has more to do with it simply being a boring and bland movie. Even when it attempts a serious Borderlands Action sequence or a complex plot, it falls short and falls into the trap of blandness, leaving most of the potential, especially when it comes to characters, unexplored.
There are many flaws. Borderlands does try to use Borderlands Characters to explore its plot and story. Many have pointed out that the narrative does a poor job at presenting meaningful moments. Even scenes such as Lilith's emotional development or her fight against enemies, the story relies heavily on dialogue instead of strong action!
While the Borderlands movie is currently playing in cinemas, it is likely it will be released on different streaming services! Make sure you keep an eye on streaming services and on-demand options as a release date comes close!