The Planet of the Apes franchise, with its vast array of storylines, has spanned decades. Beginning in 1968, it features various productions across television, film, and animation. Although it's seen a resurgence - in terms of those releases - in recent decades (those considered to be part of a New Planet of the Apes Trilogy ) that helped relaunch a new world and set a distinct direction for this popular Planet of the Apes universe.
While the earlier installments may have taken place before the modern-day versions (with the 20th Century Fox and more recent Disney productions), those new storylines offer a deeper, more immersive and, for some, even thought-provoking version of how those characters like Caesar came to dominate and have power within that Planet of the Apes world.
There have been several iterations of Planet of the Apes - the earliest known for being directed by Franklin Schaffner in the 1968 version ( a black and white release that gave audiences a bleak view into a world where Apes have gained control over humanity). It helped spawn an assortment of productions throughout the 1970s and 80s, but those releases were, at the time, deemed to be lesser productions than those initial iterations.
The newer production (often dubbed a "New Planet of the Apes Trilogy") that came about in 2011 (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), a prequel - that introduced the audience to Caesar. He played a pivotal role and helped define this new, updated, version of this universe - an updated series that introduced Andy Serkis in a major role (using motion-capture to perform his roles). It also ushered in those iconic films that include: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014 and War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017. These productions took the Planet of the Apes franchise to a new height. Each one had a compelling, storyline that had great box office success as well as receiving glowing reviews, creating a renewed interest. It was this new world - that gave rise to a modern version of the franchise with the most recent installment Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, showcasing how a new conflict and, most significantly, those who are caught in its middle (characters like Mae and Noa). It appears as if this new world may continue and is being explored - as production studios look to establish a new trilogy.
Many fans who love Planet of the Apes , often recognize its legacy, especially for those movies with compelling sci-fi themes and storylines as it examines themes centered on a war between two distinct forms of intelligence.
Those who follow the series - can attest to just how Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, (which is considered to be one of the most critically acclaimed titles) serves as a continuation of those previous films that had an impressive track record and had garnered enormous popularity. The film's story shows an entirely different universe, introducing characters such as Mae and Noa. Even with Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Performance being strong (in terms of its box office and how well it has been reviewed, it had been met with uncertainty as those who love this franchise had not yet been able to determine whether this was a one-off production or the start of something larger). This new trilogy is also a major undertaking in the Planet of the Apes Legacy and has those familiar with this series and the vast array of characters - with anticipation and eager to see just how the story for those who live within this world (the Planet of the Apes World).
Planet of the Apes, one of the earliest releases, dates back to 1968, which featured a stark and unforgettable vision of how a new world was shaped. That same universe would later take a new, compelling turn with the Planet of the Apes Trilogy (2011-2017).
This is what was to become the most notable series that was released and received major acclaim from audiences and those who enjoyed the film. The new releases (both directed by Matt Reeves) helped relaunch Planet of the Apes as one of the biggest franchise successes.
Planet of the Apes, a popular series, has drawn attention from various sources: namely its Sci-fi nature ( those stories are often centered on exploring science, those universes beyond earth, as well as themes around technology that often serve as a backdrop), with a series of themes centered around a universe that is defined by the events between humans and apes.
These stories center around those powerful, compelling, and, for some, very emotional storylines that capture the essence of a world that could emerge and those threats and challenges. These events take shape as those Planet of the Apes Characters face the Planet of the Apes Conflict - with humans who often are at odds, or sometimes must even rely on the Apes to make it through challenging times - a very unique storyline.
Planet of the Apes has become one of those universes with endless possibilities for exploring new stories. The success of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes , which featured an impressive level of production values (including its visual effects - that gave those who watched an incredible view into the universe and its creatures) had shown those who love the series. It helped relaunch this universe.
Even though it seems as if Disney is now planning to release a Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Sequel and is considered a major milestone for this Franchise, the possibility exists for a new series that could span several seasons. One of the biggest challenges will be to see if they can recapture those themes that were introduced in those earlier, critically acclaimed installments - a feat that many have not been able to achieve as studios make the leap from 20th Century Fox to Disney as the studios attempt to bring new perspectives and, often, more modern aesthetics to their productions.