Once the sixth installment arrived, rumors about a possible Ice Age 7 started to surface The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild. Buck Wild sees the possum twins Crash and Eddie return to the Lost earth where they are rescued and the three embark off an adventure in the underbeneers of the primeval earth. The newest movie is the first one without Manny, Sid, or Diego, even if the franchise as a whole has been gradually moving its emphasis from its initial core characters over the past few films.
After acquiring the movie brand from 20th Century Fox and closing Blue Sky, Disney recently changed ownership of the Ice Age series. That choice implies that Ice Age might settle permanently on the Disney+ platform, but Disney has not yet expressed their whole intentions on the future of the show. Although The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild was a somewhat poor addition, the two-decade-old franchise's enormous financial potential guarantees always great possibilities for Ice Age 7.
Given no preparations for the sequel, it is difficult to project the possible Ice Age 7 cast. Simon Pegg played the title character in Buck Wild's Ice Age Adventures, but it's unknown if the seventh installment will follow him or veers back to the original cast. Though icons like Ray Romano and John Leguizamo receded to the background during Ice Age's several successors, they will probably have to return to restore the franchise back to its original splendor.
That in mind, Ice Age 7's potential cast may comprise:
Actor | Function in the Ice Age
Manny Roman | Ray Romano
John Leguizamo Sid
Diego and Denis Leary
Simon Peggy | Buck
Chris Wedge: Scrat
Buck Wild's Ice Age Adventures is a solid guide of where the show might go as well as all the several paths and people it might decide to follow for the plot of Ice Age 7. The Ice Age series has gone much beyond the lonesome trio from the first film. Ice Age 7 might carry on the exploits of Crash, Eddie, and Buck Wild as chronicled in Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild.
Having said that, Buck Wild did not especially appeal to supporters, which would motivate the team to go back to its beginnings. Although the idea is always there to feature stand-alone tales with additional supporting characters, the failure of Buck Wild could motivate Disney to resurrect the venerable characters for Ice Age 7.
While stating that the conversation "a little premature" and that there are plenty of ideas and adventures ready should viewers respond well to the forthcoming release, Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild producer Lori Forte mentioned a possible Ice Age 7 without any confirmation. On the Disney+ PR page, a paper on The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, however, showed co-screenwriter Jim Hecht already working on the next Ice Age film.
Many years later, however, no evidence of a possible Ice Age 7 has surfaced, hence producer Lori Forte may have been right when she foresaw Buck Wild either making or destroying the future of the series. Box office had little bearing since The Ice Age Adventure of Buck Wild was a streaming exclusive on Disney+. Still, the film bombed with reviews implying it might not have been particularly appealing to viewers either. Disney might still be developing a game strategy for how to handle their possibly profitable Ice Age franchise in the years to lie ahead.
Once the sixth edition in the series arrived, speculations about a possible Ice Age 7 started to surface The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild. Buck Wild sees the possum twins Crash and Eddie return to the Lost earth where they are rescued and the three embark off an adventure in the underbeneers of the primeval earth. The newest movie is the first one without Manny, Sid, or Diego, even if the franchise as a whole has been gradually moving its emphasis from its initial core characters over the past few films.
After acquiring the movie brand from 20th Century Fox and closing Blue Sky, Disney recently changed ownership of the Ice Age series. That choice implies that Ice Age might settle permanently on the Disney+ platform, but Disney has not yet expressed their whole intentions on the future of the show. Although The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild was a somewhat poor addition, the two-decade-old franchise's enormous financial potential guarantees always great possibilities for Ice Age 7.
Though there is no confirmation, Lori Forte, producer of Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, discussed a possible Ice Age 7, calling the conversation "a little premature" while stating that there are plenty of ideas and adventures ready should viewers react well to the forthcoming release. On the Disney+ PR page, a paper on The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, however, showed co-screenwriter Jim Hecht already working on the next Ice Age film.
Many years later, however, no evidence of a possible Ice Age 7 has surfaced, hence producer Lori Forte may have been right when she foresaw Buck Wild either making or destroying the future of the series. Box office had little bearing since The Ice Age Adventure of Buck Wild was a streaming exclusive on Disney+. Still, the film bombed with reviews implying it might not have been particularly appealing to viewers either. Disney might still be developing a game strategy for how to handle their possibly profitable Ice Age franchise in the years to lie ahead.