Movies News Talk

Hitman: Timothy Olyphant's Agent 47 Movie - A Look Back

Hitman is a famous video game series. One of the more interesting details? It actually inspired movies! If you've seen those big-screen adaptations. You might remember how some characters were a perfect fit.

The Hitman Series:

What makes Hitman so entertaining? It takes you to the world of a clone super-assassin that's always looking to get his target, taking down anyone. His name? It’s Agent 47! This killer uses the best of "stealth" skills, and even comes up with awesome, creative ways to make a quick, deadly attack. For some gamers it might be hard to imagine what this world might be like.

A Movie Starring Timothy Olyphant

Blended image of Timothy Olyphant in Hitman and Rupert Friend in Hitman: Agent 47 Image

One of the biggest moments came in 2007 when we got a movie based off Hitman, a huge deal, since this was the first time that the series was getting a big screen adaptation.

And as we watch that version of Agent 47. Fans saw Timothy Olyphant! And it seemed like he was an awesome fit! And the fans felt like the show was well put together and enjoyed the performance by Olyphant who gave us Agent 47 in all his icy and stoic glory! For all intents and purposes, this was a game that got translated very well.

This would be Timothy Olyphant’s first movie starring role in Hollywood!

The Big Changes:

Agent 47 in his iconic suit and red tie being interrogated in Hitman: Agent 47 Image

If you’re thinking of catching these movies, Hitman: Agent 47 (released in 2015), was a very different kind of film!

There were quite a few reasons behind the movie taking a different route. The first movie didn't go so well, but for those who watched Olyphant in Hitman (that came out in 2007). It had just a 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes!

The filmmakers wanted to revamp the film but that meant there were no plans to bring Timothy Olyphant back.

Instead of keeping the same main actor, a big name took over for the movie! The director's made some big changes, bringing in Rupert Friend in his role as Agent 47. But this change meant the new movie was even less appreciated! With only 8% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. That's truly a low score that most critics seem to agree was bad!

While this change was huge, a major problem, as fans might wonder why? Well, one thing we do know is that Timothy Olyphant just didn't want to get back on set as Agent 47 and when asked to come back. He said that it was such a big no for him. Olyphant was even in an interview talking about his hatred for making the first "Hitman." movie.

There were other actors in the mix! A famous actor, Paul Walker was about to take the lead but after a very unfortunate event, he had to step down! This put the production on hold and there was so much to get worked out! The studios, though had to start looking for someone to fill his shoes. And it seems that Olyphant was the right fit and would give "Hitman: Agent 47" the new and refreshing take it needed. The fans were on board too!

The Original Hitman: A Look Back

Agent 47 shooting people in the middle of the street in Hitman Agent 47 Image

While Hitman might be a bit forgettable. We see why! This first attempt at the adaptation brought a little more fun! Those who haven't played the games may not appreciate it as much, it does give you a sense of the craziness of what the games actually delivered. But if you’re a gamer looking for this big screen version, the first attempt does provide that.

But when we talk about what really made "Hitman" worth the watch, we really have to go back to the incredible performance from Timothy Olyphant. It's something that the video games capture too, Agent 47 is such a quiet killer who doesn’t need to go on a wild, screaming adventure, he is always about silence and grace as he carries out the action! This element really showed that Olyphant brought a good, cool feel to this. And even with all the great actors that followed this wasn't one that resonated with critics.

If you were searching for an awesome action movie? These films have their own special appeal but this Hitman movie was not quite there in terms of how well it executed things! Fans had a mixed bag reaction!

What About A Third Hitman Movie:

Hitman (2007) Movie Poster Image

When thinking about the possibility, "Hitman" (2007) wasn't as poorly received as "Hitman: Agent 47, though, many still see those early signs of a better "Hitman" movie to come out. However, with this new take, the studio had the idea to try and make another film as a sequel to the most recent movie! The big problem is that Disney took over Fox. That big news, left the production in turmoil and the entire franchise got axed!

But those in the industry think, that this isn't the end!

  • "Hitman: Agent 47" was not really the game-changer the franchise needed and was also, kind of forgotten after all those years since it released.
  • Since then we have some ideas, including how there is a big chance that fans could see "Hitman 3." or an entire new take, but this time there might be more interest as Timothy Olyphant is doing pretty well now! This may be the moment they try to bring him back to this iconic world, even with his initial feelings against the franchise.
  • A final thought, could mean a brand new take!

But Olyphant had been a popular actor back in the 2000s, but he really got a big boost! He had amazing success! In "Justified." It made Olyphant even more notable.

The series did wonders for his career and continues to bring attention! Fans love Olyphant and even when the hit series Fargo cast him in an important role.

As fans of the video games continue to wait, "Hitman" might just have its time on the screen again! The universe continues to be popular for these iconic characters! There are some great ideas that are being developed right now to bring a world that gamers know so well to television, and this will create a brand new experience.

Whether a new TV show is released it might be the key that turns this classic franchise into something bigger and even more impressive! The world is changing with big entertainment companies focusing more on content that gives audiences a diverse mix of television experiences! That could mean something very exciting, and possibly one day, you will see another take on this franchise. For the moment. The stories, that made the game so special may just wait for their chance to have their time in the spotlight!

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