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Heir: Read An Ember in the Ashes First? Fantasy Series Connection Explained

Should You Read An Ember In The Ashes Before Heir? How Sabaa Tahir’s Fantasy Series Are Connected

Sabaa Tahir, a well-known author in the fantasy genre, is known for her books, her latest release, Heir, has been one of the most anticipated books this fall, but there is a very important element about this novel, that fans are asking questions about. It’s the series relationship with the Ember In The Ashes story - a very popular series of four books.

A Little More About The Ember In The Ashes Series

Book covers for Mistborn, Malazan, and A Song of Ice & Fire Image

Sabaa Tahir her books have a unique style that often includes, elements of romance and adventure and her series - Ember In The Ashes , was first published in 2015. The story follows the narratives of Laia and Elias who were caught in a war torn world - it's been one that's been highly anticipated and fans who have followed this series from the beginning, they’ve discovered - just how the storylines are told. This series is also very intense and the characters, those superheroes they play key roles – the characters and the stories, often present a dark outlook on the world - its set in a world that is full of danger - but, they are given opportunities to fight for survival.

This particular author, she's able to create those intriguing and often challenging, plots - she’s a powerful story teller. Her stories, are filled with those emotional themes - and she’s able to give fans a different perspective about the world. They've found, a series that fans are eager to follow because they’ve discovered its characters, and that has given those audiences the ability to immerse themselves. This is an essential aspect of her work – that really connects her readers and also those characters and storylines - one that gives a real-life perspective. Her Ember In The Ashes series - that show its ability to create those emotional moments - that have become some of her most well-known works. The latest release, has been well received - it's a show of how the series is continuing to make an impact on fans, but there is an important consideration for those reading this book.

What Is Heir About – The Latest In The World Of Sabaa Tahir’s Books

Heir By Sabaa Tahir Image

Heir- is set in the same world as Ember In The Ashes. It’s a story that features different characters (although there may be some familiar faces - that fans may have grown fond of - and they’re going to discover those moments), in particular Aiz- a very complex and compelling character. Sirsha - a character that shows more of her uniqueness – those who read those stories will be interested in that dynamic - that character - it can create some interesting and sometimes intense relationships with other characters who play important roles in the story.

This new series is also full of adventure, and it also introduces new challenges (in addition to that dark and sometimes dangerous side – but those characters, they’re able to rise above) making it a very important aspect, a series that is packed with, so many complex and also, a good, amount of romance – which has often made this particular author so unique - those fans who follow this particular genre are going to be thrilled and will find - it is also very well-written.

So Do You Need To Read An Ember In The Ashes To Read Heir?

The answer to this question is actually, a bit complex. It really depends on what you as a reader are looking for - especially the type of stories you’re most interested in.

You can enjoy Heir - it's not essential for you to read those previous series, especially if you’re only interested in discovering the latest releases from this author - but it will give you that unique look - especially at the characters - but fans are going to discover, it's not always, so easy to follow that particular story. As the author has stated she’s placed some Easter Eggs in those scenes. There’s also a change in how her story has been shaped.

The Key Element Of Understanding The Connections

This is a very interesting element to consider - it gives fans more of those moments where they can see just how the author’s imagination is really at play.

If you're planning to pick up both series - that would be a good place to start (since those series are connected) but you're also going to have to read them separately - they’re also part of the same world (which will give viewers a unique, take on the story), this will give you more of a understanding – how that universe evolves - that is how characters are given those complex relationships - as a reader you can enjoy both of those stories in that world and fans will likely want to read more.

So If You’re Interested In Heir - Should You Skip An Ember In The Ashes ?

Those fans - it's not really, about which one is better (its important to have an understanding of those elements, how the author continues to build that universe - those fans are eager to learn). But they’re going to have to know the story before they can understand those other books, those characters and the world. You can definitely enjoy Heir as its own stand alone book, you'll likely find yourself, drawn in and wanting to go back and read the series and, understand just how Laia and Elias are given such compelling stories - they’re often very complex and have a lot to say. Those are characters that continue to fascinate us and will also likely continue to inspire new stories - its an exciting world – that has so much to offer those readers - they're sure to find those books appealing and will want to continue to follow those stories – in a new way. It's an exciting time for this author, it's a sign of how well she's doing - she's creating those characters who are taking center stage.

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