Since its first film, the Fast & Furious series has undergone numerous transformations. From DVD theft to nuclear war avoidance, Dominic Toretto's family has gone through a lot. Before reaching blockbuster status, the Fast & Furious films have gone through a lot and experimented with many ideas. Still, one of the worst-received Fast & Furious films was absolutely vital for the success of the series.
With a dismal 28% critic rating, Fast & Furious (2009), sometimes known as Fast & Furious 4, holds the unfortunate lowest rating among Fast Saga movies on Rotten Tomatoes. After skipping earlier films, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker returned to the franchise in this one. Returning the original heroes was meant to revive the franchise. Although Fast & Furious made financial sense, critics thought the plot lacked inspiration and repetitious nature.
Fast & Furious (2009) is maybe the most significant addition to the saga after the first one despite its critical reception. It served as a link between the early movie and the direction the franchise would take. Reaching the original characters, the movie piqued the audience's curiosity in Dom and Brian's narrative once more. Fast & Furious 4 cleared the path for next projects and helped the franchise to acquire momentum.
Considered by most as the best Fast and Furious film and a turning point in the development of the series is Fast Five. The critical and financial triumph of the movie confirmed the prominence of the series in popular culture. The basis Fast & Furious 4 laid helped Fast Five succeed. The studio was confident enough to commit a nine-figure budget in Fast Five, evidence of the franchise's recently discovered promise. Though it wasn't a critical success, Fast & Furious 4 showed the studio that viewers yearned for more of the films.
Though Fast & Furious 4 set the seeds of change, Fast Five is usually praised as the franchise's turning point. Though it adopted an increasingly action-packed style, the movie still included ideas from the first one. Dom started to change into a superhero-like person, displaying his power and capacity to tackle harder work.
A transitional film, Fast & Furious (2009) reflected the franchise's move toward more extensive action and adventure. It set the stage for the worldwide adventures that would define the Fast Saga in the years to come, so showing the possibility for the franchise to transcend its street racing beginnings.