Movies News Talk

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Sequel - Streaming or Bust?

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves – A Streaming Sequel Strategy to Avoid box office Disaster!

D&D: Honor Among Thieves – Box Office Flop, Streaming Success Story!

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was a HUGE hit with critics and audiences. The reviews were universally amazing, it brought a ton of people into theaters and generally exceeded those initial low expectations created earlier. The actual box office numbers? Kinda disappointing.  While it earned over $207 million worldwide, that wasn't enough, folks! That massive budget (over $150 million) meant it ultimately underperformed! And that, seriously hurt the chances for future projects; particularly other D&D projects from Paramount which were ultimately cancelled following that initial lukewarm box office outcome!

Even Hugh Grant's comments after the release really didn’t help. It seemingly closed the door completely, and some people are still feeling uncertain about the likelihood of continued support toward creating new installments, resulting in significant reductions and even complete cancellations of other D&D-related projects that were otherwise planned in those earlier periods.

Also Read: Honor Among Thieves 2: Should a Main Character Die? D&D Movie Sequel Predictions

Streaming Success: A Clear Path for Honor Among Thieves 2?

Chris Pine and imagery from Dungeons Dragons Honor Among Thieves Image

However! Honor Among Thieves’ streaming success suggests something extremely critical to keep in mind. Netflix, in areas outside of the U.S. saw that incredible popularity within those territories resulting in this amazing achievement, quickly gaining significant viewership which further created additional demand and this success story would totally overturn the earlier financial implications! Netflix's Top 10 listing, those incredible 3.2 million viewers; even amassing 7.2 million viewing hours demonstrates its actual audience value– all further helping restore faith in the original; showcasing that the original project wasn't actually a massive flop; it just didn’t gain momentum in traditional theaters.  That additional success from Paramount Plus only strengthens this conclusion!

And it’s more than a testament. This points towards something vital for future installments– going direct-to-streaming would be ideal.   This has become the ideal solution to the existing problem that Paramount now faces regarding a follow-up. Going direct-to-streaming presents the opportunity for another financial win.

Also Read: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Sequel? Will There Be Another Movie?

Direct-to-Streaming: A Smart Strategy for Honor Among Thieves 2

Characters in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves standing around a table.  Image

Going completely streaming for Honor Among Thieves 2 would be a brilliant strategic move; particularly given how many people remain eager for more D&D adventures! The existing production constraints (marketing and theater release costs) become drastically reduced, and a potentially smaller budget can maintain similar production values–allowing it to justify production despite needing special effects work. Audiences aren’t going to cinemas as much, even for those big-name films.   The numbers clearly indicate this.

Plus!  This wouldn’t hurt Paramount’s prospects at reaching its fanbase! A direct streaming launch helps connect easily and swiftly with existing audiences—which the success surrounding Glass Onion showed clearly demonstrates– helping justify itself as a potentially very, very good decision.

Also Read: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Will There Be a Sequel?

Lessons from Other Successful Streaming Sequels

Benoit Blanc looking suspicious with the rest of the suspects behind him in Glass Onion.  Image

This isn’t new.  Direct-to-streaming already works for huge films!  Think about Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’s Netflix success– absolutely shattering records! Or Prey's Hulu launch– that one was massively popular! That demonstrates what the right creative and production approach, for achieving these success moments in alternative revenue streaming solutions are very likely possible.

Both projects earned immense praise; highlighting a truly brilliant approach: direct-to-streaming which creates additional possibilities despite financial constraints in a theater-oriented approach to producing and releasing a film. These don't negate theatrical releases– and a potential cinematic run may have been ideal. Yet those existing numbers truly confirm the streaming solution for achieving the desired fanbase results is quite possible.

Also Read: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Sequel Hopes and Box Office Disappointment

Conclusion: Roll the Dice on Streaming for Honor Among Thieves 2!

Dungeons and Dragons Honor Among Thieves Poster-3 Image

Honor Among Thieves wasn’t the box office smash Paramount wanted; its budget didn’t quite translate into expected ticket sales; however there's plenty of room for this sequel; there are so many opportunities available that exist and this is the key detail, these plot and story opportunities can still continue! A streaming launch is extremely likely to give much better success, making this potentially into another triumph. It lowers costs, provides increased access; which are both really valuable, particularly because there are many people who already enjoyed the first one!  A very simple win-win! So it seems likely, if it happens at all; that this sequel should absolutely be released completely in a streaming context!   This might actually completely restore the franchise's image; not just the possibility to get this one sequel out.

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