Doctor Strange 2: Secretly Setting Up a Terrifying Multiverse Team for the MCU!

Doctor Strange 2's Ending: A Multiversal Tease That Could Change Everything

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), starring the awesome Benedict Cumberbatch, was a wild ride through the multiverse, setting up many huge MCU events for later! Even thoughDoctor Strangehas been absent from the screen since, that movie laid groundwork that might be extremely important, especially concerningPhase 6! We’re going to uncover a potentially terrifying team, a possibility teased in that mind-bending finale: prepare for those massive multiverse implications. This entire story will explore that wild potential hidden within that specific scene from that 2022 film.

Doctor Strangeis a key player in the Multiverse Saga, especially considering that crazyPhase 4multiverse team-up withSpider-Man. Now, after facing the evilScarlet Witchin that multiversal showdown,Strangehas knowledge crucial forPhase 6! Cumberbatchhas already teased appearances inAvengers: DoomsdayandSecret Wars(via YouTube); it really makes one eagerly await what those amazing finales will deliver. This also hints at an upcomingDoctor Strange 3. And adapting those crucial comics storylines such asTime Runs OutandSecret Wars(2015) – all of this implies how some extremely famous, iconic multiversal characters might soon appear; potentially makingMultiverse of Madnesseven more significant than its box-office success!

Doctor Strange and the Black Priests: A Terrifying Alliance?

These crazy-powerful beings are inMarvel Comics, introduced inNew Avengers (Vol. 3) #2 (2013)which startedTime Runs Out(beforeSecret Wars). Recent speculation is amazing: this possibly hinted at inDoctor Strange 2'sending. The main speculation comes from that specific exchange betweenDoctor StrangeandClea(Charlize Theron). Clea’sline(“We need to stop the incursion”) directly mirrors theBlack Priests'main goal. And evenCleaherself could be among their members; even if we haven't yet officially learned anything about their organization.

TheBlack Priestswere always mysterious; these individuals aren’t necessarily considered "alive."They just pretend to be, they seem to be created by the multiverse, like its guardians, something we've never actually encountered within theMCU. They operate outside conventional realities, thus introducing them is incredibly challenging and must be planned extensively to be introduced well and with that added nuance to ensure the audience members don't end up feeling like these things are nonsensical. We might possibly see the origin of such individuals explored withinPhase 6.

The Black Priests and Marvel's Secret Wars: A Path to Destruction?

Their approach was to stopincursionsby destroying alternate universes. This brutal plan didn’t endear them to the public! That goal was similar to those of bothIlluminatiandCabal. And these resulted in catastrophic results – almost complete destruction; despite these efforts and failures, however, these various strategies used will prove quite valuable toDoctor Strangeduring the events planned in the upcomingSecret Wars, as those moments demonstrated important insights concerning the multiverse; particularly regarding how incursions work; hinting toward possibilities.

Doctor Strange'sinvolvement makes the reveal and implications quite significant: that this possibly impendingBlack Priests’ arrival might be teased much earlier – almost a clever foreshadowing!

We even see those extremely dramatic impacts made to the multiversalMCU. This isn't simple!The rules concerningincursionschanged completely – yetDoctor Strange 2introduced twoStrangevariants using theDarkhold(causing incursions!), demonstrating the various approaches that can change realities.

Clea's Dire Plea: Pushing Strange to the Dark Side?

Doctor Strangealways fought to protect Earth and the universe. And the events that transpired before this might change everything:CleaasksStrangeto help preventincursions; it really puts things in perspective, particularly concerning the importance of both this plea andClea’spossible motives – something this entire speculation relies upon! What ifCleais working with those all-importantBlack Priests? That adds intense drama; she’ll needStrangeto destroy a world!

Earth-616 Strangemight find this utterly impossible. But someStrangevariants embraced theDarkholdand caused incursions, making it very much likely that that kind of change could potentially come for theEarth-616Doctor Strange, too! EvenWhat If…?showcased that!

The Multiversal Avengers: A Team-Up for the Ages?

InMarvel Comics, thoseBlack Prieststeamed up with theMultiversal Avengers; discovering them near thatBlack Priests’ base while searching for incursion causes. A hugely awesome team – and getting this specific team could easily follow. TheirMCUincarnation might be very different,though.

Considering some previous heroes went into hiding (or got replaced), there’s already room for theseMultiversal Avengerson the mainMCU timeline.

Conclusion: Doctor Strange 2’s Seeds of Multiversal Madness

TheBlack Priests'arrival sounds crazy – butDoctor Strange 2might have cleverly foreshadowed them! Their emergence creates potential, intense conflict – and hints at an epic team-up with theMultiversal Avengers! All of that sets upPhase 6with immense excitement! That cliffhanger ending in that 2022 film had tons of implications; many might not realize this but that seemingly insignificant moment may lead to seriously huge, impactful consequences later, which demonstrates the creative opportunities created through careful planning in those earlier movies.