Underrated Horror Movie by Denzel Washington: A Different Approach from His Typical Taste

Celebrated actor Denzel Washington has a remarkable resume having worked for more than forty years. But he has only dabbled in the horror subgenre once—that of the 1998 film "Fallen." Though with a 40% Rotten Tomatoes rating, this film has developed a cult following and provides evidence of Washington's acting range.

"Fallen" chronicles Detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington), who looks at a string of copycat murders. Deeper into his research, he finds a horrifying reality: the killer is an immortal demon able to hop from body to body, not a human being. Together with a great supporting cast featuring John Goodman and James Gandolfini, this fascinating idea helped "Fallen" reach cult classic reputation. The film is a gripping thriller with a dark, suspenseful mood notwithstanding its critical and financial disaster.

Why Did Denzel Washington's "Fallen" Perform Like a Box Office Flop?

Although "Fallen" has become a cult favorite, upon release it was a major box office letdown. It was a significant financial loss since production cost $46 million and only brought in $25 million. Though interesting to some, the film's sinister tone and otherworldly components may have turned off a larger audience expecting a more traditional thriller.

Denzel Washington has hardly explored horror over his career, though. His parts in historical dramas, action movies, and crime thrillers define him more regularly. With its distinctive mix of psychological thriller and horror components, "Fallen" deviated from his normal path and its box office failure might have affected his choice to steer clear of horror in next movies.

"Fallen," Denzel Washington's Hidden Gem of the Horror Genre

Denzel Washington gives a striking and riveting performance in "Fallen." As he reveals the actual nature of the killer, he presents Detective John Hobbes as a multifarious figure battling his own troubles and a developing sense of anxiety. The way the film ends is especially powerful and makes one uncomfortable long after the credits have rolled.

Though first not very successful, "Fallen" is an underappreciated horror film unique from Washington's usual genre preferences. Among the horror subgenre, the movie stands out for its original plot, superb actors, and unnerving atmosphere. For those who haven't seen film, "Fallen" presents a gripping and terrifying experience highlighting Washington's ability to negotiate a genre outside of his comfort zone.

The horror movie trend of Denzel Washington: an exception to the rule

Denzel Washington's "Fallen" is notable as an outlier to a general Hollywood pattern. Early in their careers, many A-list stars including Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston, and Tom Hanks starred in horror movies. Before they started more ambitious undertakings, aspiring actors sometimes found these parts as stepping stones. Conversely, Denzel Washington chose to veer away from this path, displaying his confidence and dedication to investigate more difficult and demanding genres.

"Fallen" exhibits Washington's acting range and adaptability. It's a reminder that Washington's varied filmography is deserving of study and that even a box office bomb may become a cult treasure.