The "Three Seashells" is a iconic piece of Demolition Man's future worldbuilding. It's a bizarre toilet replacement, and for years fans have pondered its true function. Sylvester Stallone, who played John Spartan in the film, eventually explained it during an interview. However, even he described the process as “grotesque,” which is a true statement about the movie’s approach to its future vision.
The three seashells are meant to replace toilet paper in the future world of Demolition Man. In the film, this new bathroom practice causes a lot of confusion for the time-displaced cop John Spartan. Although it never explains exactly how it’s used, this new invention, which is quite a departure from modern sanitation practices, remains one of the film’s most iconic details.
The "three seashells" have evolved into a meme, solidifying the concept in popular culture. It has become a topic of online discussions among fans and internet users alike. Despite the fact it’s simply a small joke in the movie, it has become an important aspect of its legacy and remains a powerful sci-fi worldbuilding element in Demolition Man.
Stallone revealed that two of the shells are held like chopsticks and used to scrape the area, with the third used to wipe any leftover residue. This unconventional practice is far more graphic than what was implied in the film. It leaves viewers wondering about the practicality of this new sanitation method.
The three seashells were conceived by screenwriter Daniel Waters to make the future of Demolition Man feel different from other futuristic films. He said he found the idea by calling a screenwriter friend who was on the toilet at the time and happened to be looking at a bag of seashells that were used as decoration on the toilet.
The future in Demolition Man, set in 2032, offers a glimpse of a utopian society. There's no war, no alcohol and no cigarettes. However, with its outlandish concepts like the "three seashells," it is a futuristic setting that relies more on absurdist humor than practical sci-fi technology.
Demolition Man, a cult classic, continues to be enjoyed by many fans due to its combination of action, sci-fi, and humor. This has solidified its status as a memorable film. Even decades later, Demolition Man remains a topic of discussion.