Deadpool And She-Hulk Together Could Be A Problem

Ryan Reynolds is correct when he says that if every hero spoke to the audience and joked about every situation, it would diminish how seriously audiences would treat the film. However, Reynolds is incorrect about Deadpool being the only character with this ability now that he is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 4 introduced Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, who broke the fourth wall several times in her Disney+ series. If the pair are ever in an Avengers movie, it could be tricky having two characters who can get meta.

If Deadpool constantly breaks the fourth wall and makes quips about the universe in a team-up event with She-Hulk, it could diminish how seriously audiences take the story. Both characters could end up making jokes about the other hero's quirks, creating a distracting dynamic that undermines the seriousness of the film.

She-Hulk's Finale Shows What Happens When The MCU Gets Too Meta

She-Hulk's finale is a perfect example of what happens when a project goes too far with its meta commentary. After being disappointed with the finale, Jennifer punches her way out of Disney+ and goes to Walt Disney Studios. She speaks with K.E.V.I.N., a robot version of Kevin Feige who makes all the creative decisions for the MCU.

While the finale has several funny moments, it goes too far in its fourth-wall break. Having the main character criticize the show's finale and change it doesn't feel like a good solution to poor writing. It also sets up She-Hulk for major future plot holes, because if she knows about K.E.V.I.N. and the writers, then she could just prevent anything bad from happening by asking the writers to change it.

Could Deadpool And She-Hulk Share The Screen Together?

Deadpool & Wolverine will bring the Merc With The Mouth into the MCU, but it's tough to tell how else he'll be used afterward. Deadpool isn't normally a character featured in Marvel team-up stories, but Marvel would love to get Wade Wilson involved in an Avengers film somehow. Audiences want to see Deadpool interact with longtime MCU characters, and Deadpool joining the Avengers would lead to box office gold.

She-Hulk doesn't have the same fanbase as Deadpool, but she is a powerful hero who would be a useful Avenger. She-Hulk Season 2 is likely not happening, so her next appearance will probably be in a crossover event. If Deadpool is a part of that event, then Marvel needs to be wary of having both of them in the same scene. Breaking the fourth wall can be effective, but it shouldn't keep audiences from investing in the Avenger's next battle.