The Deadpool & Wolverine movie was packed with cameos, but there's one in particular that almost happened! People were really hoping that Ben Affleck's Daredevil would show up - they have such a big fan base. But it didn't happen. The filmmakers actually included Jennifer Garner's Elektra though, giving a shout out to her previous films from the early 2000's.
There was that buzz about Henry Cavill's Wolverine character that got everyone super excited - fans are always hoping to see how things will work out, now that Marvel Studios bought out Fox, and how characters will go from the Fox Marvel universe to the MCU.
With all those crossovers it feels like everyone is hoping that Marvel movies would be full of these little surprises - and maybe that would be awesome. This is, though, pretty standard in the world of superhero movies. Everyone loves those crazy easter eggs! Imagine how it would've been to see Chris Evans' Johnny Storm. Those are awesome things that are kind of expected!
That would be awesome, right? The fans have really been hoping to see Daredevil pop up - maybe even with the "Avengers. And it would totally be cool. The "Daredevil" character is a real crowd favorite. We don't want to just forget the movies that brought us the characters! This whole MCU started because of those earlier films!
Let's just see what happens next in Deadpool 3. It's still on the horizon, so who knows - we might see some crazy crossover surprises.
If you're looking for an amazing, action-packed comedy - check out Deadpool 3, and you're going to be so ready to dive into the next phase of the MCU! You are going to be in for a treat.