Movies News Talk

Cloverfield 2: Where is the Sequel?

Is It Time For Cloverfield 2?

Cloverfield – one of the best monster movies ever made (that’s a title that’s often considered for a lot of horror movies), a movie that features an intense story about a group of people who are struggling to escape the city after a monster attacks New York City. Fans of those movies are often captivated – they find themselves being attracted to a monster movie that could give them a more frightening experience.

This movie was a critical success (and also it was a commercial success), which helped its popularity, especially amongst fans who love those types of horror films, one that’s known to often inspire those audiences - but it’s also a movie that features those, key, monster moments that make the series even more enjoyable to watch – those movie goers will be able to enjoy the series.

Why It's Been So Long Without A Sequel

Jason Hawkins in front of the statute of liberty in Cloverfield Image

Cloverfield - it’s a movie with a lot of potential, and that potential is going to help - it would be able to capture those viewers who like to see how those monster movies make an impact. They enjoy seeing those characters – but why has it taken so long for the movie to get a sequel? It's also a movie with a lot of history – one that’s known to be well respected, in the film world, (a movie that has brought together a diverse, group of film fans – those who have seen it, its the kind of movie that will be talked about), and also those viewers are waiting for more. That’s why they’ve been asking.

Cloverfield 2 - What's Been The Hold Up For That Movie?

Collage of The Cloverfield Monster, Michelle from 10 Cloverfield Lane, and a scared Ava from The Cloverfield Paradox Image

Cloverfield – fans are waiting for a new monster movie and its been quite some time – a movie with that style - it’s making it very hard for fans to wait. With so many other releases, those fans who have enjoyed this movie are ready for more - that’s why they’re watching and those who are seeking to expand those stories, they’ve been wondering - what will happen? There have been some efforts made, to try to bring a new sequel to those fans (it’s clear they will be waiting to see more, in this movie), and in recent years - there have been many developments (a new movie, which might be more interesting), those fans have also been given that special, opportunity – but what’s happening. There’s been an unusual delay – one that’s been perplexing for those who are watching and wondering. It’s looking more and more unlikely.

A New Cloverfield Franchise - Will There Be More Monsters?


Those fans are also aware - J.J. Abrams he’s working on the movie, (an executive producer, whose also working on a few new films), that has added to that, intrigue and mystery. There’s a sense of excitement, about this particular monster movie – a film that will continue to grow - its going to be a film that will add to a series, of those movies (those who follow, the movie franchise, those movie goers, will enjoy this latest, and perhaps even a new movie). Its a show, that is always, creating something new.

Why It's A Franchise For Monster Movie Fans

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It’s clear - that the movie franchise is very strong. Its been successful in its attempt to bring about those classic, monster movie themes. Those fans are likely to be thrilled – they’re looking forward to the newest release and more. The original movie was well-received (a great example, for how a monster movie should be made). Its appeal, comes from those scenes, they’ve helped to shape what a monster movie can be. It’s also given film makers a platform – it’s also been considered as an important part of a new generation of monster movies.

What Would Make A New Cloverfield Sequel So Great?

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It’s not only about the monster itself, a movie that’s considered one of the best monster movies ever. Those fans, they will love the show, it’s also about how well the story is told. They want to be able to see into the minds of the characters, a movie that offers a fresh look (a new style), the kind of experience those viewers are looking to experience (making them want to get more from the movie) those who follow monster movies (or maybe they like to explore a bit deeper) - that’s how well the movie series does those scenes so effectively.

10 Cloverfield Lane was a different take (that film offered those viewers a different feel), which helped to show how well the franchise could explore. That particular movie was well received (a critical and a commercial success), in a way, it was part of the movie’s growth - but why has the franchise, gone in this direction? The idea of a shared universe – one that can bring together a collection of monster movies. There have been more than just a couple of those, it shows how well those ideas can be expanded and made to be more popular - a good, and a well received film (making it even more intriguing).

Where Does The Franchise Go From Here?

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Those movie fans who are following this movie series, – they are looking for more. They’re also hoping for a new sequel to the original – one that can make an impact. Those moviegoers might be eager to find out how the story is going to develop and what happens next (the franchise has had that kind of ability to create that effect). It also makes for those moments that keep those fans on the edge of their seats - and its something that has been successful with monster movies, one that’s well received by fans. Those movie goers – they’re watching for a movie that’s packed with action, suspense – it’s also a movie that fans will be able to look to find out more, about the Cloverfield monster, that’s one of the most terrifying. It will also give viewers a new approach.

Its clear - there is a need for the movie, those movie goers have also noticed. Cloverfield 2. There are a lot of expectations – audiences are eager to see more from those, films that often explore those ideas and that’s part of why they have had a great amount of recognition - that will make for a great movie series and more.

It’s one that might also be considered - one that has that ability to grow. Those fans who have watched those monster films they are looking to find a movie with that same intensity - they’re also looking to discover that the franchise will continue to be one of the most important and popular shows, making the show a big success.

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