For the first two acts, it seemed Boy Kills World was a typical action movie. A deaf and mute hero - who was a slave to those traumatic events. A man seeking vengeance, and who has lost those he loved, is ready to do what needs to be done to ensure that he has been compensated for what was lost - as fans of this type of movie can often identify. But in the third act, it's those elements which start to change, including the audience’s expectations.
As viewers learn the Shaman, a mentor figure and trusted friend, the truth comes to light, that he is actually seeking his own revenge and, he had set those events into motion to manipulate, train and even punish Boy to bring down the Van Der Koy family. This kind of twist, often keeps viewers engrossed in a tale - and as those fans will learn. The story unfolds in a series of unexpected twists and turns, giving audiences a more in-depth perspective - which is one that’s not typical to most standard action films.
Many fans of action movies love those series with those compelling stories - particularly the stories that keep the audience coming back, seeking more - those types of films can have a major impact. In Boy Kills World, a movie that does have some of those elements. But when Boy finally escapes the city along with June.
After having made his escape - viewers are likely going to be curious. This gives a glimpse of what’s possible in the next chapter. Some of those core elements that make for a great series: a main character who's been transformed and forced to navigate a series of trials. The audience will be looking forward to see how these characters evolve - as well as discover more about their relationship and, their role in that larger story. It's all the elements of the story - the characters, as well as the events - that could help bring audiences back for more and, with this powerful ending.
Those seeking an understanding of this film’s title - are going to have some interesting questions as it comes to that central theme: This action packed movie, and those characters. Boy, a hero who is seeking vengeance - this particular film doesn't just focus on the Boy and, the things he's doing in that world, there’s a broader message as it delves into those aspects that impact us.
One key part of this movie - the exploration of how that individual and, their actions could change those events: what makes it interesting - this is a world that’s filled with darkness. Boy - he often goes into this dark and disturbing world - to face the reality, which many individuals must face as they move through the world. A world where good and evil - collide as the lines blur. Fans will discover a unique perspective - particularly as they are presented with those events and choices that lead to more tragedies, those tragic moments and, even a hero who's been set up to fail.
One of those characters - Bill Skarsgård who's a member of the famed Skarsgård acting family, is known for those powerful and unique roles that he often takes on.
He has a long list of roles, but it’s his role as Pennywise in IT that really made him an iconic character. Bill's career has been filled with a series of memorable performances - as those fans of horror movies can tell you - and in Boy Kills World - viewers will see a side to Bill that is very much the hero of that story, while also showing the same kind of darkness.
Boy Kills World is a movie that's been described as being similar to the John Wick series - this makes sense, as the film does take those themes - a hero with an ability to fight, a quest to claim revenge - and an underlying tone of grief.
Both Boy Kills World and John Wick offer some key similarities: John Wick a movie that is very dark - those moments of darkness can often come from those moments where, the hero's sense of loss is present - in his story, it was a dog, for Boy - his family - he was a man, and both were on that path to find a way to avenge those events. Fans will see some elements that will be familiar to both movies, and it will be a series that’s worth watching as more is revealed.