Even though the first Borderlands movie received some unfavorable Borderlands movie reviews, many are still hoping for a sequel.
It would seem unlikely based on Borderlands movie reviews, especially if fans considered it a Borderlands movie failure, but here's why a Borderlands movie sequel still has potential!
Given that many movie studios move forward with new releases, it could be that Gearbox Software could try and bring back this universe. Some may be surprised, but even in light of Borderlands movie backlash, this Borderlands franchise has been a major success in the gaming realm.
While some may be wary, it seems like the first Borderlands movie has enough fans to generate another movie! If a Borderlands movie sequel comes to fruition, the goal will be to correct those flaws.
A sequel to the movie would bring the audience back to the world of the Borderlands game movie! With the amazing storyline of Borderlands 2, this second installment could be bigger and better, offering unique challenges, new Borderlands movie characters, and plenty of amazing locations and action!
If Borderlands movie sequel chances remain viable, fans should expect a big announcement from the studio about a Borderlands movie sequel release date.
With Borderlands movie sequel potential comes a cast of characters that will draw audiences back to the movie! This will depend on Borderlands movie sequel budget and the plans from the director! With the immense popularity of the Borderlands franchise and fans who enjoyed Borderlands game vs movie, this is a must-see!