Beetlejuice, released in 1988 by Warner Bros. Pictures, tells a story that’s full of horror and comedy. It all centers on the newly deceased Maitland family who discover their The Model Home (a New England Victorian style house that the family was hoping would serve as their eternal home, after they passed on) in The Afterlife - is occupied by a newly-moved family that has disrupted their existence as ghosts. The family then begins to have difficulty getting the family out of the home, until they seek out help from a bio-exorcist, an expert on The Netherworld : Beetlejuice - a mischievous and “ghost with the most” - who’s infamous for having an outrageous style and mischievous tendencies.
The Beetlejuice film (which is known as one of the greatest productions from Tim Burton and also a major role in defining Winona Ryder Films), focuses on how to cope with death, an idea that is expanded upon through those iconic characters including Lydia Deetz, a dark and rebellious young girl - played by Winona Ryder - who comes to love Beetlegeuse, along with a quirky set of parents - played by Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis. These characters make the movie's humor stand out, while those who know this franchise - appreciate its iconic style, an unforgettable aesthetic, and the blend of humor and suspense.
One of the biggest stand-out features of Beetlejuice (including Beetlejuice: a 1988 release, and the upcoming sequel that's expected to appear in 2024) are its eccentric Beetlejuice Characters.
The Beetlejuice franchise - including those from the film’s early days, Warner Bros, was responsible for bringing Michael Keaton - a renowned actor with a diverse set of productions - such as Michael Keaton Movies. He has become one of the show's most popular characters. Beetlejuice's wild demeanor and outrageous attire. Along with Lydia Deetz ( Winona Ryder) - she is recognized as one of the more important roles - which allows the character to transcend from the early, original release, into its modern adaptation.
The Beetlejuice franchise, has become an important landmark, especially since it relies on humor and the use of an unconventional approach to The Netherworld.
Many will note its immense influence, especially through a range of different aspects: The Beetlejuice cast has earned wide-spread acclaim and appreciation as fans and viewers have embraced this production as being one of Tim Burton’s most iconic films. The Beetlejuice film was not only a big box office success but inspired an assortment of references. A multitude of those fans will recognize how those events continue to shape our pop-culture through references, including its use across Halloween, especially with those fans interested in the Beetlejuice Costume.
Beetlejuice 2 has been a hotly-anticipated production, with a release date, but that’s what makes it so popular: it’s an under-development, yet to be revealed release. Fans continue to wonder when it might hit the screen.
Although an official announcement for the Beetlejuice sequel has yet to be released, fans can easily find a slew of updates that may be in a pre-production state or perhaps in its early stages - those dedicated Beetlejuice lovers are hoping for an official release and are eager to see what those Beetlejuice Characters will be like. Some rumors are spreading across the media: Those interested in watching this film might want to check streaming options like Beetlejuice Netflix, where this may be released in The United States or possibly on streaming services like Beetlejuice streaming. Those also interested in purchasing a Beetlejuice Costume for Halloween will be happy to discover an array of options from retailers.
The Hand - also known as The Hand With the Ring - a bizarre and unconventional, but very popular and memorable character. This is part of the Beetlejuice franchise as Beetlejuice himself has to find a way to gain access to a powerful force and an important element of The Netherworld.
Fans often describe how the hand in the Beetlejuice movie is connected to Beetlegeuse. A relic that connects those who want to access his abilities (Beetlejuice is said to have those who would use his skills, particularly when they are trying to call out his name to gain his attention and assistance. He is referred to as “The Ghost with the Most”. The Hand has been credited with giving fans those unforgettable, memorable events from The Beetlejuice movie. The iconic finger with the ring is one of the more significant, visually impactful, and often funny elements - one that fans look forward to discovering across various streaming and DVD options.
The Beetlejuice franchise is credited with having both cultural impact and staying power - for a decade, and now over three decades, The Beetlejuice Movie has become a fan favorite - and one that's continued to captivate audiences.
While it remains to be seen what direction the franchise will take. There have been a variety of efforts to expand the franchise through a Beetlejuice sequel as it stands now and many hope to continue to see the show develop into the next chapter, its influence is undeniable - those dedicated Beetlejuice fans often note how those elements of the series have taken on various expressions in pop-culture. It has been celebrated across an assortment of media (Beetlejuice Halloween, streaming, DVD, etc).
Those familiar with the Beetlejuice film will easily note how Tim Burton, an iconic filmmaker - especially within the genre of horror and dark comedy (Tim Burton Movies include a variety of iconic productions that capture those themes) was able to create such a visually distinctive production - giving it such a powerful feel.
The Beetlejuice movie - has been established to be in New York, more specifically, Winter River, Maine, - as the story unfolds, in The Beetlejuice movie, with those Beetlejuice characters, as they are trapped within a world that was not designed for them (as it does not appear that the family intended to return after their passing).
Fans who are drawn to those Beetlejuice characters, particularly the antics of Beetlejuice, the “Ghost with the Most" - as he seeks to upset those that appear to have disrupted the world that he’s been used to - are happy to learn that there's a huge variety of merchandise.
As those interested in the franchise and its pop culture impact, will note - Beetlejuice has evolved and has expanded through a variety of merchandise - such as costume options for Halloween. It also includes an assortment of those fun items, Beetlejuice merchandise - in essence a wide range of collectibles - some can be easily acquired from merchandise vendors.