Movies News Talk

Barbie and Enchanted: A Tale of Two Princesses

Both movies tell a story about finding a place in a crazy, complex world! Who would have guessed that two popular films that look super different are really kind of alike?

The Unexpected Similarity

If you've seen both "Barbie", a super epic adventure of dolls. "Enchanted", which came out much earlier in 2007 was a fun Disney rom-com! Fans, at least many critics, say that they share an incredibly similar storyline.

Fans of the popular movie "Enchanted" got to see how the classic Disney princess character came to life and how the star Amy Adams took center stage! Her "Giselle" is the main character that moves from "Andalasia" (an awesome animation filled world) to a very "real" world where things can be tricky. The same things happen to Barbie! "Barbie" starts in "Barbieland" a really amazing world! But when she leaves the fantastic place that is "Barbieland" she enters the real world. She doesn't end up being the happy character. But she's actually a much more complex person and ends up staying! The same happens to "Giselle".

A Modern Feminist Take

Giselle (Amy Adams) looking confused in Times Square in Enchanted. Image

You can't ignore what makes "Barbie so unique! The director, Greta Gerwig, takes us through a whole new world with all of its amazing details. Both of the films have something special in common. Both look at feminism in a truly compelling way, and have something in common- these are tales of those who come to terms with their own individuality.

The films give us more than just a "happy ending," it really takes those traditional roles and spins them for a truly modern take on life. Even though "Enchanted has great elements and themes. The fact is, "Barbie was given an edge by having this really compelling narrative and with super famous songs, big names such as Margot Robbie, who is the incredible Barbie.

It seems like "Barbie really is a must watch! It was even more incredible as the marketing team had an impressive idea that made audiences wonder what it was all about. In addition to that it was such a unique film that everyone wanted to be a part of it!

Why Was Barbie So Much Bigger Than Enchanted:

Barbie and Ken dancing with other dolls at Barbie's dream house Image
  • "Enchanted has amazing elements!
  • What really made "Barbie" a big win? Well the star was absolutely amazing, with an impressive group of people including "Ryan Gosling," but you also have the awesome songs and "Warner Bros." got everyone super hyped! The audience really came to life for this one,

But what did these films have in common? Both had a big focus on powerful, memorable scenes as both films give these main characters an incredible journey, as these stars struggle through an awesome life change.

Both of these films really push those boundaries.

Barbie And Enchanted Comparing The Two:

Barbie Movie Poster Image

These characters in both films have a truly memorable moment: both find an awakening as they come to life and grow! It's what drives their stories!

But the biggest takeaway, these characters, "Barbie" and "Giselle start out super simple! Then both realize the real world has a ton of complexity and emotional aspects that were unexpected!

If we look back at the key, moving scenes we can compare both! It really starts to become a little more clear.

  • It's the moment "Barbie" goes through Gloria's memories that she feels all the emotional elements. These include happy moments, sad and even painful times!
  • And with Giselle she shows just how powerful those human emotions really are!

What's The Happy Ending for Barbie vs Enchanted:

Now let's talk about what a happy ending means. Both stories take an awesome approach! It’s almost the complete opposite of what audiences may expect for these types of movies, so both "Barbie" and "Enchanted" really turn those expectations on their head!

The ending is so empowering and refreshing and it shows that a big "happy ending" really doesn't exist!

  • It's interesting that "Barbie" goes through this incredible self-discovery but it isn't going to be about easy things! Her story isn't defined by love, but about the journey to find herself as a human.
  • The other story, "Enchanted" really gives this great princess the chance to evolve! Even though the princess' ending still revolves around finding the right prince. Her journey showed a level of independence! You can really see this princess evolving.

If we wanted a really "revolutionary" ending for "Enchanted". The movie Giselle should never want to leave and then she never takes a bite out of that apple that would send her back! The choice in this classic film was really to be able to have that perfect romantic fairytale but not only embrace who she has become! In fact, to really find that happiness as a new and more fulfilling woman.

But both stories show those major steps to move towards independence, a sense of self! It gives a fresh take to the traditionally classic fairytales, taking on a more powerful story.

While we look at the huge success of "Barbie". It's apparent that both stories shared some fantastic elements!

"Barbie" had some cool music, lots of attention! Plus the release made "Barbie" even more recognizable because it came out in the same season as the iconic, action-packed film, "Oppenheimer." The movie had great production value with amazing acting by its big stars. "Barbie" was just about perfect in every way!

It is no secret that "Enchanted" has its own following, even with the streaming release of the movie "Disenchanted", fans love it!

Even though "Enchanted did very well at the box office, you have to realize the scale! What truly helped boost "Barbie" to those huge heights, a $1.5 billion box office success was more about its marketing! They spent about $150 Million on it. And then all of that attention came into play when it released with "Oppenheimer!" Everyone wanted to check out the "Barbenheimer" films and this gave it the perfect window of popularity!

When comparing these films it really takes into account why both did well in such unique ways and then with all the incredible success "Barbie" has enjoyed. We know, everyone got their dose of nostalgia with the cool movie adaptations of classic childhood toys and "Enchanted" gives everyone an incredible take on classic Disney princess movies. Both have some interesting elements for those watching for some entertainment.

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