Unbelievably, a chilling theory about the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) has materialized in the animated film "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three." Originally spurred by the DCEU film "Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom," this theory foresaw Black Manta's terrible death of Aquaman's son, Arthur Jr. (Aquababy). Although "Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom" finally avoided this terrible fate, "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three" offered a terrible and even more unsettling turn-about.
With the publication of "Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom," fans of the DCEU were on edge since the trailers mostly highlighted Black Manta and Aquababy, so raising questions on the death of the comic book character. This theory was especially powerful since "Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom" marked the last DCEU installment before its DC Universe premiere, so heightening the sense of suspense about the character's future. Aquababy made it through the DCEU movie, thankfully, and left viewers happy.
With the Anti-Monitor the terrible force behind the carnage in the animated film "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three," countless worlds and billions of lives were destroyed. The movie showed Aquababy and his parents among other characters dying tragically on screen. A sobering reminder of the merciless power of the Anti-Monitor, the scene showing the devastation of their world included a moving shot of Aquaman and Mera grieving their child. This surprising turn of events gave the animated film more impact and poignancy after the DCEU avoided the Aquababy death theory.
Even more heartbreaking than the DCEU hypotheses is Aquababy's death in "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three". This is a result of the setting of the tragedy—the whole destruction of a planet. As their family is wiped off at once with their house, Aquaman and Mera are deprived of the opportunity to mourn their child.
The brutal nature of the Anti-Monitor and the terrible results of his acts are underlined in this sequence. A moving reminder of the destruction the Anti-Monitor's power causes comes from the innocent Aquababy. Though "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three" finishes with the multiverse being reincarnated into the Prime universe, the events of the movie highlight the sacrifices made and the ongoing loss experienced.
Though the degree of this damage and how it will affect DC continuity are yet unknown, "Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three" seems to have also erased the DCAU and Super-Friends universe.
The Anti-Monitor threatens the very existence of the surviving Earths by launching a terrible attack in this animated movie. Heroes from many eras join to oppose the Anti-Monitor and his unrelenting attack. The multiverse's survival rests precariously on the brink, leaving the fate of innumerable worlds and their occupants unknown.