Prepare for a terrifying new installment in the Alien Romulus alien franchise! The newest chapter of this classic franchise brings a new crew of young adventurers, a derelict space station, and Xenomorphs. Read on to learn more about Alien: Romulus, and get ready for a terrifying and gripping new movie!
While we can't offer an official Alien Romulus release date just yet, be sure to follow movie announcements to keep up to date! It is expected that we can see the premiere in theaters! It is very possible you can find Alien Romulus where to watch on movie schedules when it's finally out.
We know a few members of the Alien: Romulus cast, including:
The Alien: Romulus story brings the audience to a derelict space station, where six young adventurers, looking for supplies, face danger from a Xenomorph infestation. They will try to navigate through the ruined and abandoned station and face a fight for survival, including dealing with a crew of androids!
Keep a watchful eye for Alien Romulus trailer online. The trailer is already getting quite a bit of attention, especially for the classic horror vibe. Search for it, and it may appear on different movie or news websites as release date information becomes available.
In the story, Alien Romulus characters such as Rain Carradine and Andy (who might remind fans of a certain android from the franchise, though with some modifications!), get the main stage, Tyler, Kay, Bjorn, and Navarro have also been revealed, which is part of a cast with strong chemistry! Check out reviews and websites for more information about their backgrounds, motives, and potential conflicts that could ensue in the movie!
The early buzz on this new horror movie seems positive. Alien: Romulus review might even start coming out soon! If the initial reception continues to trend towards good, it will be an addition to the horror classics.