Movies News Talk

About Time Movie Review: A Time Travel Rom-Com That Works

About Time: How One Simple Rule Avoided All Those Annoying time travel Plot Holes!

About Time: A Time Travel Rom-Com That Actually Makes Sense!

time travel movies are a mixed bag, aren’t they? Sometimes amazing, sometimes utterly bonkers because of how poorly written those plot devices really are! Keeping the rules of that whole "time travel magic system" straight?  A nightmare! But About Time (2013), starring Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson, cleverly avoids that problem completely.

About Time follows Tim, a guy who discovers his family can go back in time.  He wants to use this to improve his life, finds love, but learns even time travel can’t escape life's punches. It explores many deep and profound human realities; highlighting how those aspects really impact everyone; focusing on aspects typically lost in these kinds of plots. Let's examine how this incredibly charming, and surprisingly thought-provoking time-travel rom-com gets this right! This focus and emphasis greatly enhances and deepens those character motivations.

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The About Time Twist: Mind Travel, Not Body Travel!

Custom image of The Time Travelers Wife, About Time, and Your Name Image

Most time travel movies involve the physical moving through Time, teleporting and pasting that physical body in completely unrelated periods and this often creates the biggest narrative issues. This is why so many time-travel stories falter; and fall short, as creating coherent narrative plotlines when bodies and events span various times requires a lot of very hard effort; which might just go beyond any capacity available to some productions.

About Time's different. Tim time-travels only in his mind. His body stays put; his consciousness shifts through time.  A subtle but huge difference!  He lives those moments from the past; experiencing all those related impacts that it would have. It avoids the biggest pitfalls, preventing paradoxes around self-interaction in many different timeframes that most time-travel films face! The movie stays clean and makes time travel more mysterious and almost magical!

Also Read: Predestination Movie: Time Travel, Twists, and a Mind-Bending Ending

Why About Time's Time Travel System Actually Works!

tim and mary in a art exhibition in About Time (2013) Image

That system prevents typical problems like Tim meeting his various different versions from his past and prevents multiversal craziness! It cleverly restricts his actions while using Time-travel; he’s trapped within his own personal history only able to affect moments which were specifically already established.   It adds narrative complexity through seemingly straightforward limitations and emphasizes his interactions. The use of these moments adds emotional depth, making that core focus: human relations – far more impressive, focusing less on the “sci-fi” part and generating far more profound connections between those two important characters and all the important aspects which affected them, both internal and external pressures that greatly shape those important relations that make this very heartwarming story so much better than many time-travel films!

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About Time’s Time Travel isn’t the Problem; Life Itself Is!

Tim and his father in About Time Image

Time travel causes problems in the movie! But that’s not the main issue. It’s life, folks! He tries fixing life using time-travel; prevents mistakes; yet that doesn't work; proving how ineffective that whole plan might've been! Those very important elements remain regardless; he makes mistakes; he suffers from loss; showing just how complex human emotions actually are and their far reaching impacts across various unrelated timeframes; an especially well-conveyed theme that many audience members enjoy.

Time-travel movies show what happens; often spoiling moments; yet audiences generally do have the same predictable emotional and logical reactions in this movie too! However this becomes far different, as it focuses intensely on that core reality of how time-travel doesn’t resolve deep-seated anxieties surrounding death and other profound human issues – generating unexpected and interesting moments; instead time-travel creates situations that cause far more emotionally complicated situations, making many of the scenes that typically seem unremarkable far more compelling. Instead it’s an interesting story highlighting complex situations and reactions and is done far more compellingly in About Time, which does emphasize how well time-travel’s handling truly made this specific film such a delightful experience!

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About Time: A Textbook Example of Time Travel Done Right!

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About Time provides a masterclass; a template, in handling non-sci-fi time-travel! It cleverly places less emphasis on time-travel mechanisms, avoiding confusing time-travel complexities. The entire story shows a brilliant handling that shows time-travel becomes this amazing storytelling device used to heighten emotion and depth and not the core problem, a common pitfall which significantly affects how audience members receive various moments from any typical time-travel story. Instead the real subject matters is exploring our appreciation of life; accepting difficulties. Many other movies could really benefit learning some key design decisions; emphasizing just why that specific storyline choice worked so wonderfully!

Conclusion: A Charming, Thought-Provoking Time-Travel Story

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Many people often cite those narrative failures that affect so many time-travel movies. Those complicated, sometimes incoherent story elements make them seem so strange and frustrating for those viewers. But About Time cleverly showcases how even simpler methods; coupled with focusing intensely on human experiences and emotional complexity could result in a heartwarming experience.  The brilliance isn’t the time-travel itself – but that incredibly effective time travel-focused storyline adds profound insights; enriching that romantic comedy while becoming one of those movies which really makes it worthy to watch. It’s incredibly enjoyable; perfectly showing how great simple methods can improve complex storylines dramatically.

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