X-Men: The Animated Series - 10 Plot Holes and Things That Don't Make Sense

The X-Men: The Animated Series, sometimes referred to as X-Men TAS, remains one of the most beloved Animated Marvel Shows ever, but it has some oddities! Take a look at the series that brought the popular Marvel Comics characters to the small screen.

Why Does X-Men: TAS Have Such a Messy Timeline?

Even though X-Men: TAS is filled with compelling X-Men Characters, some moments left fans confused! You may have seen a seemingly contradictory episode when Jean Grey returns to life but Cyclops is still grieving. These X-Men Plot Holes are due to episodes being aired out of order in the initial broadcast! Luckily, the episodes were later re-ordered for the series' release on Disney+.

How Did The "Phoenix Saga" Involve Jean and Cyclops?

X-Men: The Animated Series introduces some of the biggest moments for the iconic Marvel Universe. In the "Phoenix Saga" (which was featured over a few episodes!), Jean Grey discovers Cyclops Father, who happens to be Corsair. Jean knows about the true identity of Cyclops' dad, but for reasons that remain unclear to viewers, Jean delays revealing the truth to Cyclops for quite a long time, despite their relationship!

Did Angel Ever Join The X-Men in the X-Men: TAS?

One of the characters whose initial appearances were jarring to some was Angel! He was introduced as if he had no affiliation with the X-Men, and is manipulated by X-Men Villains like Apocalypse and becomes Archangel, with altered appearances. But, X-Men TAS doesn't really clarify how Angel Archangel ends up as an original member of the X-Men!

Did The X-Men: TAS Villains Include Anyone from the Opening Credits?

X-Men: The Animated Series made a strong effort to bring the popular Marvel Universe to viewers. But while the opening credits showed a great cast of X-Men Villains, it also made promises to audiences, showing some powerful Marvel Comics villains, like Gargoyle. Those fans who loved these characters got a real shock! These villains only showed up in the credits but never had an X-Men Episode!

Was There Any Inconsistencies Regarding The Rogue Character?

You will learn more about Rogue's fascinating backstory, especially her membership in the Rogue Brotherhood. This organization has been linked to X-Men Characters, Rogue Powers and has some very dangerous X-Men villains in their ranks. Yet, her history seems to get lost when X-Men encounter Rogue for the first time. There's also a big story with the powerful mutant, Ms. Marvel! But how did Rogue Powers manage to absorb Ms. Marvel's? Fans can find out in season two.

What About The Inconsistent Display of Powers in The X-Men: TAS?

Fans know Jean Grey Powers, as she is one of the most powerful members of the X-Men. It gets confusing because sometimes she can teleport herself or levitate objects and sometimes, seemingly out of the blue, she isn't able to. The same confusion occurred for Storm Powers. The most shocking example is Storm being able to control weather conditions and even her own wardrobe by using her powers! How does this happen? This unique moment has not returned since.