The Marvel Cinematic Universe's epic Multiverse Saga will culminate with Avengers: Secret Wars, and with the return of Robert Downey Jr., the saga takes a major turn, introducing a Doctor Doom villain! Only a few MCU heroes will be powerful enough to take down Doctor Doom, a formidable threat.
Doctor Doom will be a driving force in two major Avengers movies and is already scheduled to appear in a post-credits scene in Fantastic Four: First Steps. You can expect Robert Downey Jr Doctor Doom to show a menacing side!
Doctor Doom Villain has become one of Marvel's biggest and most iconic adversaries. But does he have a chance at becoming more dangerous than Thanos, a true test for MCU Heroes. In Avengers: Secret Wars, will we see him rule? Will he become more dangerous than Council of Kangs? Only time will tell. It's also possible Avengers Secret Wars will focus on a massive clash, as we saw in Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame!
While there is speculation, we have not seen these heroes cross paths very often, except for Doctor Strange. But the return of Iron Man MCU, and even the introduction of Sue Storm MCU and Reed Richards MCU, means that the connections could soon become more intense.
Scarlet Witch has proven to be more than a capable hero. She has formidable Scarlet Witch Powers and could provide some competition to Doctor Doom, as well as a potential counter for Doctor Doom's use of magic. Fans of Scarlet Witch MCU have been watching closely. Will her incredible power be sufficient to protect the world, especially in Avengers Doomsday, the first film featuring Doctor Doom, where there will likely be a huge clash between heroes and the villain?
Some incredible heroes have powerful strengths that would be vital for any MCU battle! Here is a sampling of their strength!
As Iron Man was one of the driving forces in the early MCU, and Robert Downey Jr. was also a significant figure in establishing the early tone, this comeback for the series will be memorable. It has even led to speculation! This is only part of the Multiverse Saga which is getting some interesting changes! Some fans have been considering a new interpretation: RDJ will be returning, but only in a different reality! Keep an eye on news, and get ready for new Avengers Secret Wars news!