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Top 20 Bart Simpson Prank Calls to Moe's Tavern - Ranked!

The Simpsons' Greatest Hits: Bart's 20 Most Hilarious Prank Calls to Moe's Tavern!

Bart Simpson's Epic Prank Calls: A Hilarious Journey Through Springfield

One of the things that made The Simpsons into a legendary show is Bart's prank calls to Moe's Tavern! It’s a running gag that’s lasted for 35+ seasons!  Bart’s always been a mischievous little scamp, and his pranks on Moe (Hank Azaria) never get old.   Those legendary calls, from the very first season, still make us laugh out loud! It's hilarious to think about: does Moe ever learn?

The Simpsons has lasted because of various things; its amazing writing quality and amazing jokes – that is the most important reason for such prolonged popularity and fame; this gag of pranks involving Bart, and targeting that long-suffering barkeep, Moe, perfectly illustrates why such amazingly long and complex jokes have always appealed to fans throughout the series's incredibly long run.  While many other shows completely lose momentum and those specific details which had originally created all the excitement. Yet here's what makes all these jokes great: simple puns, delivering a never-ending supply of laughs.

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Bart Simpson's Top 20 Prank Calls: A Hilarious Ranking

20. Haywood U. Cuddleme: A Telegrammed Triumph

From Season 14'sHelter Shelter,” This one’s brilliant, a perfect twist on the classic prank call setup. Instead of a phone, Bart uses a telegram, a completely new way to create new kinds of jokes which adds humor through completely recontextualizing existing plots!

19. Moe Ron: A Prank That Saved a Life (Accidentally!)

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(“Whiskey Business”, Season 24). This prank plays into Moe’s dark side–his suicidal thoughts, something always presented comically and tragically simultaneously— creating many layers of context.  It’s a simple pun; but a powerful punchline:  Bart's call ends with Moe almost literally committing suicide before the entire contraption falls apart– inadvertently saved by the ranting at the 10 year old!

18. Maya Normousbutt: Hawaiian Shenanigans

Bart using a telegram to prank Moe in The Simpsons Image

(“Lost Verizon”, Season 20). Bart finds Denis Leary’s lost phone; using it to make expensive international prank calls. He calls Hawaii for this totally ridiculous name – Maya Normousbutt – creating a genuinely laugh-out-loud pun! This makes all these events very surprising.

17. Drew P. Wiener: Crocodile Dundee's Down Under Delight!

Moe receiving a prank call from Bart while in a noose in The Simpsons Image

(“Lost Verizon”, Season 20). Bart hits Australia for more crazy calls, and Drew P. Wiener makes Aussie bartender fans totally riot with laughter; adding an incredibly important visual: The Australian stereotypes from those previous trips are utilized in great, comedic ways!

16. Yuri Nator: Moe Mistakes a Mob Boss for Bart!

Bart grinning into a cellphone in the Simpsons episode Lost Verizon Image

(“Donnie Fatso”, Season 22).  Moe’s so used to Bart’s calls, he assumes a genuine call from Fat Tony (Joe Mantegna) is just another prank. He completely and totally fails to realize it. And that confidence makes this call very funny; the whole point relies on how ridiculous the miscommunication is.

15. I.M.A. Wiener: A Text Message Terror

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(A later season – I cannot recall the number!). Moe gets a text from this insane number that makes his bar customers laugh their faces off; completely highlighting his failures, incompetence as an individual and how his inability to easily understand situations and make important and potentially life-saving decisions greatly hamper him as he's trying to operate his business, not being assisted by any particularly competent assistance at any time during that specific scene.

14. Homer Sexual: A Family Affair!

Moe looking defiantly at the phone after Fat Tony calls in The Simpsons Image

(“Principal Charming”, Season 2). Bart pranks with his dad's name–  “Homer Sexual” – totally hilarious, even better as the whole scene is also tied together because it ends up relating to another separate part of this episode.

13. Ollie Tabooger: Homer Meets Bart’s Prank!

Bart prank texts Moe on The Simpsons Image

(“Homer the Moe”, Season 13).  It is even more amusing when Homer runs the Tavern. That moment is one of the series best when they play out an amazingly humorous prank! But it's surprisingly very funny when Homer completely messes it up.

12. Lee Key Bum: A Simpsons-Family Guy Crossover!

Bart Simpson Crank Calls Oliver Klozoff Image

That insane crossover brought some of The Simpsons' best gags to a new, broader audience! Stewie Griffin’s admiration for Bart results in this one of those amazingly silly calls:  “Lee Key Bum.”

11. Oliver Klozoff: A Pre-Dinner Treat for the Family!

Split image of Bart and Lisa prank calling Moe on The Simpsons Image

(“Some Enchanted Evening”, Season 1). This is an early classic that is noted for a reason; setting up Bart's comedic prowess early, making this an extremely crucial and extremely iconic early prank call which helps define the character throughout those early and later seasons of the show.

10. Seymour Butz: An Early Classic!

Homer strangles Bart on the roof in The Simpsons Movie Image

(“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”, Season 2). It uses a classic, simple pun with Seymour Butz; highlighting that these really clever setups could go on almost forever. A dark joke but this still manages to make viewers laugh as the entire show does this extremely well.

9. Bea O’Problem: Moe’s Existential Crisis


(“Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk”, Season 3). Moe completely flounders over this great prank; this creates a completely comedic effect!  The best part: it involves Homer.

8. Al Coholic: The First "I Pee Freely" Successor!

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(“Some Enchanted Evening”, Season 1). Another early masterpiece setting this standard of prank calls and those kinds of pun-filled conversations that were frequently employed for later years as well!

7. Tess T. Culls: A Bunker-Bound Brainstorm!

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(“Gone Boy”, Season 29). The prank is pretty normal. The catch? It involves a burning phone!

6. Hugh Jass: A Name That Actually Existed!

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(“Flaming Moe's”, Season 3). This hilarious scene was also really unexpectedly clever; this joke that could've otherwise easily failed unexpectedly ended up totally paying off because it relied on chance and completely subverting those previously created expectations; becoming even more enjoyable and creative! This is another perfect example that even the show itself didn't predict these outcomes.

5. “I’m a Stupid Moron…Kiss My Own Butt”: Psionic Pranks in Treehouse of Horror II

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A hilarious break from normal puns; and demonstrating that Bart’s creative streak can extend even further without need for those kinds of standard setups used throughout the whole series; yet also providing insight that even Bart recognizes these might not be funny at the beginning. The comedy derives itself not necessarily because of a joke; the length is the source of comedy.

4. Mike Rotch: A Bodily Functions Bonanza!

(“Blood Feud”, Season 2). This uses those classic bawdy themes, making it ridiculously easy for most kids to laugh out loud; and further highlighted as the very thing which made this incredibly silly and funny; relying on a very simple pun to produce an intensely hilarious impact.

3. Jacques Strap: Setting a Precedent for Further Pranks

(“Moaning Lisa”, Season 1). Bart’s second-ever prank.  And sets a huge template for further iterations.

2. Amanda Huginkiss: Revenge is a Dish Best Served with a Prank!

(“New Kid on the Block”, Season 4). Bart doesn’t prank just for fun. This example shows revenge can be funny!

1. I.P. Freely: The Original Prank Call Masterpiece!

(“Some Enchanted Evening”, Season 1). That totally amazing, first ever call which introduces the entire comedic brilliance which would follow and this choice of using an amazingly fitting, simple pun that anyone can understand produces that key ingredient to the entirety of Bart's amazing, memorable calls. An instantly legendary moment! Moe would remain the recipient and victim of many future attacks.

Conclusion: Long Live the Prank Calls!

Bart’s Moe’s Tavern calls are a legendary Simpsons gag; illustrating that using long-running, surprisingly simple themes can lead to success across many different series, with a well-known and clearly appreciated appeal that made Bart and Moe iconic characters within the whole Simpsons show; adding an amazing element which would easily continue, showing a brilliantly well-utilized element of story design that helps connect the stories and also helped develop those very significant and memorable aspects about the personalities involved.

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