Netflix’s recent docuseries titled The Kings of Tupelo A Southern Crime Saga explores bizarre truth behind a 2013 presidential assassination attempt where conspiracy theory replaced reality creating serious negative implications. This docuseries also presents the odd life story of Elvis impersonator named Paul Kevin Curtis also a prominent figure in this documentary and in Tupelo, Mississippi his childhood home. The show will have three parts focusing on a very detailed path of personal rivalries political power struggles that result in him being a prime suspect in criminal investigation.
'The Kings of Tupelo' Follows the Tumultuous Life Of Paul Kevin Curtis and His Bizarre Path
Paul Kevin Curtis a native to Tupelo Mississippi a town known as the birth place of Elvis Presley pursued his passion by working as an Elvis impersonator. Curtis’s life seemed on positive trajectory performing as Elvis and creating a successful Elvis duo performance group named Double Trouble with his brother Jack also building his own cleaning business as life goals. However things deteriorated once Curtis had cleaning contracts with North Mississippi Medical Center NMCC the most sizable hospital in a rural setting .
During routine cleaning tasks in a dangerous morgue area Curtis discovered many body parts that included a head he had observed at the ER previously which greatly disturbed his sensibilities leading to public accusations against his employers and ultimately losing his cleaning job. NMMC stated parts followed organ donation guidelines while Curtis believed it was shady resulting in his firing for his whistleblowing activities. His experience lead to conspiracy theories about human body-part harvesting causing much anxiety and distress affecting relationships and job stability. Prime Video also released a crime documentary series regarding similar instances of body part sales showing how it is very plausible.
Conspiracy Theories Drive Curtis's Life And Leads to Growing Political Tensions In The Local Government
Curtis's obsession lead him into connecting many dots to suggest corruption among those with power based on convenient conclusions. Curtis developed websites and a book titled Missing Pieces that details many ideas about a black market trade regarding harvesting plus selling of body parts. A news event detailed arrest of Michael Mastromarino leading a human tissue trafficking scheme causing further evidence that seemingly supported Curtis’ beliefs. Curtis believed that similar criminal activities existed within Mississippi using Michael Mastromarino incident as reference and cause of corruption within his own work settings and also surrounding politicians in local community.
Curtis actively sought a legal ban to body organ sales within the State of Mississippi after many failed attempts with his employer. He went to Mississippi Representative Steve Holland however Holland who is also funeral director also champions organ donation creating ideological differences between himself and Curtis refusing to support bill. As a result Curtis became more certain of Holland's involvement and those associated to him as a source of corruption and those who seek to keep him in silence . After repeated communication attempts to political authorities Curtis created political enemies especially local authorities. After a scuffle with DA David Daniels he was given a six month prison term by Judge Sadie Holland further reinforcing his feeling the justice system is against him all due to what he sees as a wide scope corruption.
The Assassination Attempt on Obama Through Ricin Letters Reveals a Plot Against Curtis
An envelope was intercepted on April 17th 2013 addressed to former President Barack Obama after testing positive for the poison ricin as well as a threatening letter using the term "missing pieces" while also having the signature KC linking to online rhetoric of Curtis. Senator Roger Wicker and Judge Holland received identical correspondence as well which caused quick arrest for Paul Kevin Curtis by the FBI. Upon interrogation officers quickly realized that Curtis has no knowledge of Ricin and even claimed an odd statement as "he did not like rice" thereby creating many doubts over his actual involvement in the incident. Investigators began suspecting that Curtis had been framed as evidence could not link him and found his devotion and admiration for President Barack Obama made no sense for him to commit this type of crime. Police questioned who his enemies might be causing suspicion about martial arts teacher named Everett Dutschke.
The Rivalry Between Curtis and Dutschke Escalates With Complex Frame Job
Curtis had formed a rivalry with Dutschke martial arts teacher and Wayne Newton impersonator whom he was connected to during their start together though soon became rivalrous and distant. Dutschke also rejected promoting Curtis’s claims creating large conflict that played out mostly online creating much chaos. Curtis tried to instigate many arguments by creating photoshopped images plus also fake professional karate videos plus posting fraudulent documents online in attempt to bother Dutschke and generate attention and cause him harm online. As a result Dutschke created scheme to frame Curtis and destroy his career entirely.
As investigation went to Everett Dutschke police located ricin residue within Dutschke's property plus also items necessary to create the deadly toxin. Authorities cleared Paul Kevin Curtis and apprehended his rival Everett Dutschke in connection with his plot to murder or harm and cause fear and mass panic within USA public. Everett Dutschke received a sentence of 25 years for the ricin incident from court decision in 2013. Netflix also explores the 30-year old cold case involving the death of JonBenet Ramsey to get additional insight of other crimes where evidence lead to justice in various formats of public discussion
Conspiracy and Inconclusive Endings: Both Curtis and Dutschke Hold Firm on Their Self-Centered Views
The Kings of Tupelo provides an inconclusive end with Paul Kevin Curtis once again performing as Elvis with his brother showing he is shifting back towards family. Though surprisingly Curtis claims Everett was framed as Dutschke posits himself a former CIA operative claiming targeted by those linked to Obama administration creating many counterclaims and conspiracies. There is no strong support behind any claim from Curtis and Dutschke showing no conclusive truth between statements of the men causing continued questions. The film series ends showcasing both men telling stories which paint themselves as victims of a wider conspiracy. Both individuals show to be deeply focused on creating a grand narrative that refuses conclusive endings leaving the audiences contemplating how different forms of conspiracy theories can greatly impact a person’s life.
The Kings of Tupelo A Southern Crime Saga streaming on Netflix challenges views on the use of narrative and conspiracy in everyday life while the film also explores an endless cycle of self centered perception and views within human experience.