The Best Movies of the 2010s That You Should Already Be Treating As Classics

Not all movies have staying power, and only a select few achieve the designation of "classic". Many get critical acclaim at their release. Few movies will be remembered and watched years later. The 2010s gave us a whole lot of incredible movies. They include ones with ensemble casts, grand adventures, and big social commentary.

Why Are Some 2010s Movies Already Considered Classics?

It's important to note that some movies earn "classic" status years later. Others rise to prominence quickly because they are unique, innovative, and truly stand out among the other movies from the 2010s. A lot of these movies break into new genres and introduce new stylistic approaches that could influence many years of moviemaking to come! It's only as the movie withstands the test of time that we know for sure. These films are certainly ones to revisit to understand how they influenced movie list!

How Do You Know If A Movie Will Be Remembered As A Classic?

There isn't a specific formula for success! Some amazing movies end up being box office duds! It takes years, sometimes decades to tell! It usually has something to do with critical response and whether there's any continued interest from the fans, movie reviewers, or a strong fandom. Even if they are not considered best picture winner, they have the power to resonate!

What Makes Some Movies from the 2010s Feel So Classic?

Many have elements of movies from the past while introducing a refreshing take! You can look at the amazing world of second world war story or even amazing Westerns from a new, fresh angle! But the true hallmark of classic movies, those that resonate years later, is their ability to capture what makes us tick as humans. That could include grand adventure or incredible twists to the narrative. A movie can really shine with memorable dialogue or well-developed iconic characters. Some of these movies have powerful elements that can get us talking, debating, and even having some social commentary around them!

Are There Any Movies You Might Not Know?

If you're a movie buff and like classic films, be sure to keep an eye out for some incredible and truly "instant classics" of this era! Check out best movies and be sure to see what you are missing! They could have things like:

  • Amazing ensemble casts.
  • Excellent and unique action movies
  • Mind-blowing practical effects that stand out.
  • Classic musicals!

What is on this Movie List?

Get ready for a dive into a selection of movies from the 2010s! Here's a look into what many are calling "instant classics"

  • Get Out (2017)
  • Arrival (2016)
  • Parasite (2019)
  • Black Swan (2010)
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
  • La La Land (2016)
  • Toy Story 3 (2010)
  • Dunkirk (2017)
  • Django Unchained (2012)

How Can I Find Out More About This List of Movies?

Be sure to read some reviews or find those classic movies on different streaming services. A lot of movie review sites have amazing "Best Of" lists, or they even break down individual films to talk about the elements, the characters, or other key features like hidden details.