The Man of Tomorrow has always had a huge cinematic presence! It is undeniable that Superman is iconic. However, it seems that some Superman movie quotes haven't aged as gracefully.
Over the years, different actors have played Superman in film! We are lucky to have enjoyed this amazing hero! We'll dive into some infamous quotes from Superman movies. We'll even discuss the worst quotes, some meme-worthy ones, and the overall trends of quotes throughout movie history!
One quote, "Save Martha" is known as one of the more embarrassing lines! It's definitely considered a worst Superman movie quote! A Superman movie quote about Martha didn't sit well with many fans.
Some movie quotes didn't hold up because of society changing or how people perceived them! Others had more to do with what didn't work with a given Superman movie or Superman movie villain! For example, a lot of Superman fans aren't fond of some quotes from "Batman v Superman"!
"What's the matter, Kent? Too warm for ya?", spoken in the film, is undeniably one of the Superman movie quotes that have aged poorly!
Superman movie quotes are full of interesting insights and they make for Superman movie quotes analysis and discussion! If you are a fan, there are a ton of Superman movie quotes from the 80s or even Superman movie quotes from the DCEU that are memorable and sometimes for the wrong reasons! Keep a watchful eye out for quotes about his origins or quotes about how powerful he is, as you can even find online forums for Superman movie quotes discussion!
The most comprehensive source for quotes is online. You can find curated lists for Superman movie quotes list, and possibly even look for interesting Superman movie quotes from the 80s or Superman movie quotes from the DCEU!