Every Star Wars Plot Hole George Lucas Created in the Prequels
Many of you have seen these classic films and fallen in love with the Star Wars world! It was the expansion of the franchise through Star Wars Prequels that changed everything! Some say it introduced a lot of plot inconsistencies though. This can happen when you expand your fictional universe!
How Did Star Wars Technology Get Worse After the Prequels?
One of the big differences between the original trilogy and the prequels, was a major jump in technology, especially with the prequels! The futuristic weapons and gadgets seemed way ahead of what was seen in Star Wars films that were set after the prequels. It's as if technology advanced backwards in the galaxy!
What's The Difference Between The Jedi History Explained by Obi-Wan and Yoda?
Fans were eagerly awaiting those pivotal moments for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the prequel trilogy! While Obi-Wan Kenobi talked about learning from Yoda, the story introduced a new character, Qui-Gon Jinn! If this sounds confusing, it was certainly for many! Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan Kenobi's master in Star Wars Episode I, and we learned Yoda instructed many, and not necessarily through direct instruction, like with Obi-Wan.
Why Did Obi-Wan Seem to Forget R2-D2 and C-3PO?
This one gets confusing! Fans thought this must be a detail left out. How could Obi-Wan not remember Star Wars R2-D2 and Star Wars C-3PO? Especially considering those iconic characters had important roles and appearances throughout the prequels! There are many fans who have been asking for explanations. While this might seem like a plot hole, some explanations suggest these details were purposefully left out! It might not make sense, but they have been crucial characters since the original Star Wars Trilogy.
What Was The Point of Obi-Wan and the Other Jedi Going to Tatooine in Episode I?
Here's a theory: In the original movie, Obi-Wan Kenobi had to find a smuggler, and decided on Tatooine! However, this was almost 30 years later. Why couldn't Qui-Gon, who found himself in the exact same predicament, use that same strategy. There are many Star Wars fans who think that this doesn't add up and may even be a small inconsistency in the movie. There may be a better reason to have Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars Episode I, because it led to an epic race that many fans still love!
Did George Lucas Address These Plot Holes?
George Lucas Star Wars did leave some open questions and there are so many elements that could lead to different perspectives. Many Star Wars Fans will spend a lot of time dissecting stories from this great fictional universe. Star Wars plot holes may be just part of the ongoing lore. This is how Star Wars Universe unfolds. It might be that, eventually, the universe can come up with some explanations. There are new Star Wars Series coming out all the time, which could bring a lot of new information!
Where Can I Get More Information About Star Wars Lore?
You can spend countless hours diving into the story, Star Wars history, as well as books and shows from the expanded universe. There are new developments that occur often! The official Star Wars canon even has information from different Star Wars Movies! Be sure to keep a watch out for Star Wars news, including more exciting additions to this fascinating saga.