The term "Force Vergence" is known to refer to specific points that can have an unusual connection to the Force in Star Wars. These points are usually individuals, planets, objects and/or locations. The existence of these places, people and things suggests an extraordinary alignment of the Force. In several cases, they’re associated with individuals such as Anakin Skywalker - often deemed to have had a high midi-chlorian count - making him an exceptionally powerful figure with an affinity for the Force. It is this unique alignment of the Force that may often suggest an ability for those who are Vergences to tap into and use the Force in an extremely powerful way, showcasing just how connected they are to this energy.
With Anakin Skywalker, one of the Star Wars heroes (known for making a dramatic shift and embracing the dark side, often associated with the term "the Chosen One"). As fans know - those characters have an interesting path, with the prophecy centered around his power as the "Chosen One" - the possibility for bringing about the balance of the Force. While he often becomes known for those events that revolved around Darth Vader - those powers - given his unique midi-chlorian count and Force Vergence - were very uncommon, leading those to assume this was one of those powers that gave Anakin Skywalker such dominance as a warrior and those feats associated with him in The Force Awakens. It has even been suggested that the events in The Last Jedi might even have shown more of his powerful skills as the prophecy unfolded.
In Star Wars: the "Sequel Trilogy", Rey Skywalker was often the subject of theories regarding who her parents might be. There were various possibilities that included her parents being those from the original trilogy and even a speculation that she may be related to the Skywalkers.
While it appeared that Rey had an important connection to those who had shaped the saga such as Anakin Skywalker - the show confirmed she was connected to Palpatine - although it revealed that she was not related to the evil emperor but rather she was the daughter of a defective Star Wars clone of Palpatine that allowed Palpatine Clone to return to the galactic scene and take center stage in the final production of The Rise of Skywalker. This story, however, had not been well received and made many believe that the storyline had taken on a sudden, bizarre turn. Those who have explored the show may find a certain interest in Rey Skywalker as she represents a new generation of Jedi that can both take on an extremely powerful force while showing a powerful determination.
Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber has served as one of the most iconic pieces of Star Wars memorabilia - having appeared across the saga - but, most notably, during the Prequel Trilogy and later as a main component within the Sequel Trilogy.
Those following Rey Skywalker throughout the Star Wars series have seen this powerful Jedi make her way through the Force awakening inside her. She's had a few encounters with that lightsaber that has brought about more interesting events: one of the main components that drove the plot. Rey actually was introduced in The Force Awakens with the lightsaber - her first contact with it led to her experiencing Force visions, helping set the stage for the story that she's a key component of this Star Wars world. That iconic saber (built for Anakin Skywalker before his dramatic transition into Darth Vader) later became one of the most crucial weapons for Rey. However, her destiny with it remains one of the unresolved events for those fans who have long enjoyed watching Star Wars' intricate narrative.
One of the most important questions about the Sequel Trilogy's Rey Skywalker and her parentage remains a constant theme, but the events in The Force Awakens set the stage, revealing her past, as she makes an unexpected discovery on a journey to learn more about her identity.
Many questions surrounding who Rey's parents might be came to a head in The Rise of Skywalker. Although her relationship to Palpatine is ultimately revealed as the result of her being a daughter of a Palpatine clone - it was shown that this relationship didn't happen due to any natural biological link - her origins have long been one of the major elements within The Rise of Skywalker. It may have left fans wondering if they will be offered more insight in those future, planned Disney Star Wars movies (those set after The Rise of Skywalker, which, according to Star Wars Timeline are expected to focus on other characters, worlds, and events) and give fans more to enjoy from the Star Wars universe, those who were most interested in Rey’s development in those shows.
Throughout Star Wars, the use of Star Wars Clones, has become a recurring, notable component, specifically with the appearance of the clone army and, most notably in The Rise of Skywalker. While The Clone Wars have highlighted a major point for those who follow Star Wars Timeline - the ability to create a perfect replica and combatant - it has been an integral aspect of this saga since its beginning.
The concept has become so critical for those fans to appreciate how those clone troopers could be engineered in a laboratory and used as an important force - often at the heart of military operations as a crucial asset to support those governments and leaders of the Star Wars world. It was often noted as a sign of the dominance of technology and a key event that could drive the series. As with those who sought to explore those storylines and storylines that were related to the Empire (especially with Darth Vader - who was himself created through a combination of technology and the Force) the series also highlights just how effective, or unpredictable, those clones could be.
In The Force Awakens, those viewers were given a first glance into a group of mysterious characters that have been closely connected with the Dark Side of the Force. The Knights of Ren - a collection of warriors who often use violence and an assortment of weapons - are also associated with Ben Solo - known as the character that made the dramatic transformation into Kylo Ren.
It seems as if the Knights of Ren played a very limited role - with several brief encounters - making it one of the elements within The Force Awakens that went unexplored. The series, Disney Star Wars - under JJ Abrams - had a plan to use this group, however, it’s assumed they will return, specifically with the Star Wars Movies as this group of characters, including Kylo Ren, continue to take on roles across the series. These warriors might serve as the core element of those dark elements that continue to take shape in this galaxy far far away - as fans explore The Star Wars series with more depth and discovery.
Throughout the Star Wars Canon, Luke Skywalker serves as a hero and has taken a key role - especially in the Original Trilogy and the Sequel Trilogy, appearing across the entire saga in those pivotal events as a Jedi. Those who are fans of the original series recognize that Luke Skywalker represents a hope, an opportunity for the good forces of the universe to stand against those destructive, dark elements of the galaxy. It’s easy to consider those iconic events where Luke Skywalker made an effort to fight and confront the Empire, particularly Darth Vader and the Evil Emperor - all of which helped to guide him in his Jedi Training, a task that was taken up through those stories.
As for the Sequel Trilogy, his position and how those stories continued - through a combination of books and films. It highlighted that those in Star Wars had changed. The Jedi Order - as he made the difficult choice to become the only survivor and to continue his journey, it made the storyline of those Star Wars Movies all the more compelling.