While Disney animated movies are beloved, we will dive into some problematic and controversial scenes in these classic and unforgettable films. Disney continues to revisit old movies with Disney remakes that may update some details, but there is no hiding some of the issues in some iconic movies.
With the changes in our society and increased sensitivity, some content is no longer acceptable, even with movies we used to consider harmless. While Disney is a classic Disney studio that continues to release movies today, these classic stories from years ago can come across as insensitive in a modern era! Some movies have scenes that feature cultural appropriation, racist portrayals of characters, or story lines that we now see as harmful.
One element that has always attracted viewers is the iconic portrayal of Disney villain! While this is great for fans who have grown to appreciate those characters and even see those moments as iconic in Disney movies, they often relied on racist or stereotypical imagery. Take a look at some common Disney villain themes, especially when it comes to villains in movies with Disney princesses.
The most troublesome Disney movie is the movie called Song of the South, as the entire story is problematic due to the racist depictions within its storyline! This has become the target of boycotts and protest since the movie’s initial release. Disney is so averse to this movie that they have even replaced the Splash Mountain attraction based on Song of the South.
The more troublesome Disney movies have either been removed or have warnings added to those with sensitive material. You may see content advisories that bring up the problematic parts. For instance, you will notice advisories on movies like Aladdin!
These movies, part of Disney animated movies, are enjoyed by people of all ages. For a beloved brand like Disney, some people find that problematic scenes undermine those values they want to present. The portrayal of many cultures within classic Disney movies can be interpreted as insensitive. The way that characters engage in acts, like those who get in trouble from Pinocchio smoking or drinking, has even led to criticism that their behavior could influence a child. Disney has responded to some of the negative reviews over time, which is a sign of how sensitive society has become, and it’s likely these themes are now carefully assessed. There is even great talk of changes in how to better present stories and incorporate some cultural references within Disney Renaissance movies.